
Real Estate Wealth and Saving For Retirement?

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart - Cherry Creek 40017139

Here's a shocker...take your present age and subtract it from 67.

(Mine is 67 - 47 = 20 years)

That means I have 20 years left until retirement age - what's yours? To most Americans, amazingly - even if you DON'T have a dime saved right now - you can easily retire wealthy if you can just start a monthly savings/investment plan now! Here's all you need to save per month to become a millionaire in 20 years...

Savings start date: 7-1-2008
Balance on start date: $0
Number of years to save: 20
Rate of return: 8%

To earn: $250,000 You will need to save (deposit) $425 per month.
To earn: $500,000 You will need to save (deposit) $960 per month.
To earn: $1,000,000 You will need to save (deposit) $1,920 per month.

No matter what or how weak/bad your current savings plan is - this clearly shows that you can earn a half-million by merely depositing $960 a month and earning an 8% return for 20 years! Most people will also pay off their houses, helping them earn an additional $175,000 to $300,000 (national averages.)

Most Americans can trim their current budgets NOW and begin a savings program to deposit that amount...especially couples. Don't forget...

At retirement age, around 67 years old - you can live off of your interest profit (assume 10%) which is $50,000 a year (or $4166 a month,) without touching your $500,000 principle amount. By retirement age, you should have a house paid off and relatively 'little' to no credit card debt or car payments - making $4166 a very nice monthly living until they throw dirt on you! Many people, however, will simply NOT be able to set aside any money for retirement - and will have to rely SOLELY on Social Security. In my opinion, I don't think Social Security will be solvent or even available in 20-25 you better start saving now! Or, stop renting and buy Denver real estate, Littleton real estate - or Highlands Ranch homes for sale!

With all the "doom & gloom" right now with our U.S. economy, it's really NOT that bad after all - as most people can put aside $425 a month and earn a quarter of a million dollars in 20 years. Or you might think about accelerating paying off your present mortgage faster - if you plan on living in your present house forever. Read more on that here - as you can easily pay off your present home loan in 5-12 years...

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Dallas Houses for Rent Dallas Apartment Rentals - Dallas, TX

GREAT article it does amaze me based on the age of many what they dont have in the bank it goes back to what our parents taughts us on how tooo save.  I still live from those experiences my mom instructed me on happy she took the time.

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Jun 13, 2008 01:45 AM
RE/MAX Advantage Realtors, Searcy, AR - Searcy, AR

Great post!  You have to save your money!  You will be old before you know it!

Jun 13, 2008 01:53 AM
Hope Goss
Ventura Property Shoppe - Ventura, CA
Ventura Real Estate

Thanks for the reminder.  I've got 25 years, myself, and I'm hoping to be able to relax and enjoy myself a bit.  Investing in some more real estate very soon will be part of my strategy.

Jun 13, 2008 02:07 AM