
Sterling Woods Danbury,CT Townhomes Real Estate Activity Spring 2020

Real Estate Agent with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty CT RES.0783448

Home Prices in Sterling Woods Danbury, CT for Spring of 2020

Real estate market data for Sterling Woods condos-Danbury,CT provided by Jonathan Hall of  William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty.


What Sold This Year in Sterling Woods

Style Number Of Sold Homes High Price Low Price Average Price Average Days
Acorn  1  $270,000 $270,000 $270,000  119
Beechnut  1  $291,200  $291,200  $291,200  79
Chestnut  1  $295,000  $295,000  $295,000  52
Hickory  0        
Free Standing Country Home  0        
Orginal Ranch  0        
Original Townhome  0        
In Total  3  $270,000  $295,000  $285,400  83


 There has been limited sales at Sterling Woods to begin the year of 2020.  A large part is because there has been limited condos and townhomes on the market. Inventory was low prior to Corona virvus and it has not increased since it within the last month..If you are considering buying a home you can still find deals on a house in Danbury,CT but having a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must. Don’t wait on the sidelines for too long, as some units did sell within a few days of hitting the market. On average, most properties there have been selling for 93% of their last listing price-the numbers are sequed due to 1 foreclosure(the Chesnut) and an overall low number of homes that were sold.  To make sure you don't overpay for your home, you'll want to have an agent that does a thorough market analysis of the Danbury,CT home on which you are making an offer.

If you are interested in how what is currently for sale in Sterling Woods, you can find that information by clicking on the link here. High inventory will suggest that homes are sitting on the market for longer. Currently in this area of Danbury, the listings at Sterling Woods that are on the market have a median time of 83 days on the market.  This means many of the properties are realtively new to the market and sometimes there may be interest parties already.As of 4/20/2020, there were four units listed-all of which have accepted offers. 





Get Redmond WA community reportsWhat is the deal about Sterling Woods Danbury,CT?

Sterling Woods is a large multi phase townhome devolpment in the eastern side of Danbury,CT.  The orginal phase was constructed in the mid to late 1980s to a well known local devolper that was ahead of his time by designing bright and contemporary style units.  Sterling Woods II is the larger and newer section, located just past the orginal. The Sterling Woods II community was devolped in the late 1990s and offer a variety of attached townhomes and a select number free standing homes with maintenance free living. In total, there are 445 residences in Sterling Woods (87 in the orginal plus 358 in SW II). 

The enterance to Sterling Woods is located at the intersection of Nabby Road and Silversmith Drive, Danbury CT. 

The community is located in a residential setting. It is under 1/2 of a mile to the major shopping, dining, corporate centers, entertainment, recreation and commuter routes. When entering the community, you are welcome by a divided roadway with tall mature trees and a center grass island.  Residences are sited to blend in with the serene enviroment.

The residences themsevles range about 1200 square feet to about 2200 square feet above grade. Many of the units features a finished lower level. They are serviced by gas heat & central air, and the common charges include usage of city water, city sewer and trash service. The interiors are well maintained and laid out for easy entertaining.   The townhomes in both phases typically feature two bedrooms, and the few country homes have 3 or more. If you have any questions, free free to contact me.


Find Homes for Sale in  Sterling Woods-Danbury, CT

Visit my website to search for homes in Sterling Woods or  ask me to be notifiify you when Sterling Woods units become available on the market to purchase.

To find out what you home is worth in the current market at Sterling Woods email me at or call 203-417-0523. I welcome both home buyer & seller inquires. 

Sterling Woods Enterance


Chesnut Model at Sterling Woods
Information per Smart MLS CT 4/20/2020, accurate but not guarentted. Page last updated 4/20/2020. Sales data from 1/1/2020-4/20/2020

Posted by

Jonathan Hall-Realtor Serving Greater Danbury & Candlewood Lake with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty
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This information is provided by Jonathan Hall,Realtor  with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty in the Greater Danbury & Candlewood Region of CT. For additional information, please call him at 203-417-0523,203-796-7700X305 or email me at . Unless indicated, all content is the property of Jonathan Hall. If you would like to use any of this information, please contact me for permission. He is a licensed CT Salesperson License #RES.0783448 with William Pitt Real Estate LLC License # REB.0751698. His office is located at 112 Federal Road,Danbury CT 06811.

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Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

Sterling Woods home buyers and sellers are sure to value your real estate market reports, Jonathan.

Apr 22, 2020 08:34 AM
Sally Crane
WMS - Unity, WI
Woodland appraisal support.

Thanks for the update, all the best to you as you get many of these properties listed and sold.


Apr 23, 2020 06:47 PM