Recently I did something that really pulled me out of my comfort zone... I MADE A CHANGE. I am the worst when it comes to change. Whether its using an ear piece instead of holding the darn phone to my ear, going from normal 2 inch heals to those cork lookin' things, moving homes, changing banks... and especially changing companies. So many people make it look soo easy. Haven't you met that Realtor that has moved 3 companies in two years and keeps on truckin? I joined a company in '01 and stayed with them loyally since. It wasn't until recently that my broker 'poked the tiger' and I became recruitable. It took me 3 months to make the decision to move and man those were some crazy scary three months.
My old company scared the daylights out of me with the "independent contractor agreement clause" saying we wouldn't be insured and that my new company would "sell me out" if I were in need... that they didn't have any training, no one knew of them, I'd lose business...yada yada yada. Finally I had to put my big girl pants on and make a decision and for the second time in my life... I took a chance and made a change.
Why are we like that? Why are we so afraid of change? Is it the comfort zone piece? I have been trying to understand it for about 3 months now. I made the change and talked my entire team into it. They had faith in me and trusted me to make the right move. Oh man... The amazing thing is that the minute I did make that move, we felt at home, our clients and past clients were so supportive and the cloud lifted! I can't help but think how often I have missed opportunity because I had my anti-change glasses on.
Ironically enough, I am in the position of Recruiting for this new company and I am having to deal with people like me. (now, that is karma!)
I know all of you have probably faced the "making a change" situation with your careers. Tell me... How do you deal with the walls of change?
Bless the people that recruited me. I'm sure they all went out for a brewski (or two) after dealin with me.