It’s officially summer here in the Adirondacks. Pools are open, lilacs are in bloom, and gardens are being planted. We have had THREE STRAIGHT DAYS of 90-degree weather.
Yet next week, it’s going to be back down to low 60’s again. The weathermen always say, if you don’t like the weather in NY, wait a minute.
Memorial Day launches the summer season into full swing. We ordered a pool on Tuesday and it took me 40 minutes to get through on the phone. Looks like I didn’t have a completely unique idea.
With the current state of our country, everyone might know that travel will be limited so finding acceptable fun this summer might be more challenging than normal.
The theme for this summer will be to create those summer experiences from our own home and geographic area.
Honestly, this really bums me out - it doesn’t look like I will get to the ocean this summer unless things change. Wait and see approach is the best attitude but it’s not looking good.
So, we are focusing our attention to the back yard. We have a nice deck (in need of some paint) with great lighting.
We have a covered patio that has pretty furniture and cushions. And we have s sweet firepit set up.
I plan on adding to the landscaping a bit and cleaning things up before the pool gets installed on July 8.
It’s all going to be about staying cool and comfortable in our own space this summer.
We would like to do a little camping if possible. As soon as they opened up the State Parks this
past weekend, I tried to make a reservation for August but everything got booked instantly.
We love to camp and it seems like social distancing will work for us, there. We have a small camper (that we have had for 12 years) but it does have a toilet and a shower so really, we have no need to be near anyone.
We love camping at Fish Creek Pond as every site is on the water and each person has their own little beach. And it’s just a few hours from home.
I do have a lot of great tips on camping on a budget here: Plan The Ultimate Frugal Family Vacation
And then there’s the boat. We have a pontoon boat. It was given to us years ago. The seats are cracked and could use some updating but all in all, its a nice boat. And it gives us a nice relaxing few hours on the Hudson River.
We spent Memorial Day hanging out in the bay. All three boys took naps while I dangled my feet in the water.
It was only cold until my feet went numb!
If it’s been difficult to tell, I have a very strong attraction to water. And it just doesn’t matter if its the ocean, a river, the lake, or a pool. I love the water.
So as many of us are still facing uncertainty and doing our very best, no matter what that might look like for you, its still Summer. And finding ways to inject some fun is a must.
Consider making your home a new vacation spot. Sleep in your spare room and pretend it's a hotel room. Don't forget to grab the coffee maker! Create your outdoor space to feel like an Air B&B. Whether it's a small patch of grass, 5 acres of manicured lawn and trees, or a balcony, make it a little slice of paradise.
Pitch a tent and go camping under that one tree.
Whether you are creating a vacation oasis in your own back yard or venturing out to spend time where you are safe, the Summer of 2020 will only happen once and life is meant to be fun! Soak up the sun and jump in!