
Poll for Best Condo Buildings In Myrtle Beach

Services for Real Estate Pros with Charles Rutenberg Realty LLC 3241574

There are so many great condo buildings in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle, Surfside, Garden City, Murrells Inlet, Pawley's Island, Litchfield, and Georgetown. What I am going to is start a poll that lasts thirty days to find out the top ten condo buildings on the Grand Strand and why? Then I will post starting on the thrity first day number ten and then announce on the tenth day what building earns the number one spot.

Please feel free to email me your favorite building on the Grand Strand at

I will be emailing my database of over twenty thousand to get their feedback.

Let's all see who earns the number one spot!


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jason morris
Long Bay Realty, LLC - Murrells Inlet, SC

i was very intrested to see where North Beach Plantation and Dunes Village Resort ended up in these polls.

Mar 07, 2009 04:29 PM