Most people that I talk with are concerned about how COVID-19 is effecting real estate. Will values stay the same? Will they decline?
Honestly at this time, I can tell you what I have noticed with as many numbers or trends as I can gather for you. Before your eyes glaze over when I mention numbers, I'll be sure to explain how they will effect you.
Just a disclaimer that real estate is a funny creature. One subdivision or town might be effected harshly & others will be fine. This is the way of the world so this report is a generality.
Now in our Hoffman Estates Market, things have returned to numbers expected. We still have showings taking place with precautions taking place & homes selling at a faster pace than the 2019 year.
So in conclusion, the market is still moving forward we just have to do things in a different way. Closings are not attended by anyone in the same room or attorneys are explaining documents virtually. There is no more shaking hands at the table! It will be the 'new way' & we will have to adjust to everything that gets thrown at us.
If you are thinking of selling, let's have a discussion on how to proceed. I'll be thorough as to what the process will be to allay any fears you have.
If you are a buyer it's best to get out there as interest rates are as low as they are going to go. You'll have to move fast & I can help you set up a strategy to do just that. If you are being told that prices are coming down because of the pandemic you are FLAT OUT WRONG.
Hoffman Estates Still Selling up a Storm - June 2020
