As a working mom, you definitely have your work cut out for you. From being the nurturer of the family to doing the homemaking to working, our list of tasks seems to be never ending.
But hey, I’m not taking credit away from dad, nope. My fiancé does so much for our family and your husband probably does too. But as moms, we have to admit that we like things done a certain way. So I guess you can say it’s also our fault that we let ourselves get to the point where we experience working mom burnout.
And yes, this is a real thing and it’s way too common. It happens way too often but it shouldn’t. So here are 3 easy ways to prevent working mom burnout.
1) Take a break
Yes, this is the most common way to prevent working mom burnout and it’s because it’s true. You have to learn to take breaks whenever you feel yourself reaching your maximum. And yes I know this can be hard, especially when your list seems never-ending. But trust me, you will be able to tackle that long list in a much more productive way if you get some rest.
So take a break from whatever it is that is causing you to get tired, even if it’s as little as a 15 minute reboot (though an hour would be much better).
2) Practice self-care regularly
Another easy and highly effective way to prevent working mom burnout is by practicing self-care regularly. Now everyone has different preferences and tastes on what they consider “self-care.” But some of the common self-care practices are to do some stretches, write out your thoughts, have a spa day at home along with many others.
So it’s really up to you to decide what truly helps you relax and feel at peace. But in case you don’t even know where to start, here is a list of 27 Uplifting Self Care Ideas for Moms who could really use a break right about now.
3) Set a schedule and stick to it
Yup, this is better said than done but at least have it set as a goal for yourself. And because we’re working moms, this schedule starts with your job. Now I can’t say I’m not guilty of not following this but I do know that every time I didn’t work those extra hours and the times I actually followed what my calendar said, I felt so much less stressed.
So no matter if your job is being a realtor, a blogger, an essential worker, anything really… try your best to make a schedule, add in some time for self care and then take breaks as needed.
Us moms are not perfect even though we try to be. So we’re definitely going to feel that working mom burnout every so often. So when you do, here are 39 Genius Ways to Recover from Working Mom Burnout.
But try not to let yourself get to this point. In fact, you can even use this list to help you prevent burnout it in the future. Because remember, we don’t have to be perfect and we can’t take care or be there for our family if we aren’t taking care of ourselves first.
So go schedule in some time for yourself and use these methods to prevent working mom burnout in the future.
Cheers! 🥂