
Charred Oak Estates Market Report - June 2020

Real Estate Agent with Hollish Hill Group, JPAR Stellar Living

Charred Oak Estates Market Report

Bethesda, MD

June 2020


Curious about what's going on with real estate in Charred Oak Estates and how the pandemic has impacted home sales?


Let's look at the numbers:



As you can see from the charts, the numbers of Sold properties is steady and number of New Pending properties for June is above the 5-year average for June while the number of Active Listings is below that of the 5-year average.




June's inventory of homes for sale was a bit lower than the 5-year average with a 0 months inventory on the market. The number of new listings entering the market in June was also below the 5-year average. The uncertaintly around the pandemic may be part of the reason. 


Are you curious about what your home is worth? 


In the last graph above you'll notice the median sales price is above the 5-year average. 


Wondering how long it might take to sell your home in Charred Oak Estates?




The Days on Market in June 2020 at 6 days, was quite a bit faster than the 5-year June average of 53 days. It also appears that sellers were pricing their homes competitively and the buyers drove the prices up this June as compared to the 5-year average for June. 


If you'd like to discuss how these numbers impact the value of your home in Charred Oak Estates, just give me a call. I'm happy to meet with you. I live right in the neighborhood. Just let me know when you would like to meet. 


Thinking about buying a home in Charred Oak Estates? Just give me a call at 202-271-5301 to Get Started.


Posted by


Dana Hollish Hill
REALTOR * Broker * Coach 
JPAR Stellar Living
800 S Frederick Ave, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
office 301.944.9070  
cell  202.271.5301

John Juarez
The Medford Real Estate Team - Fremont, CA

It looks like your market continues to be pretty solid, Dana Hollish Hill 

Unfortunately, what sadly comes to mind when I see the words "Charred Oak" is the terrible wild fires raging for more than a week around me in Northern California. I have friends and family who have had to vacate their homes althouh none of those homes have been lost and those whom I know all have been able to return to their homes.

Many others have not been so fortunate.

Aug 28, 2020 02:42 PM