Gin'nnah Muhammad has all ways work hard, and in doing so she has created an unparalleled connection with people around the world. Gin'nnah Muhammad is President / CEO of Sisters Of Second Chance LLC, A top rated skin care company. Gin'nnah Accomplishments don't stop there, Gin'nnah is a Web Developer, she does Product Design, Master Markting, Product development, Store setups, Graphics Designer, Gin'nnah set the mood when you talk with her she makes you feel as you know her, a Master of Communications, Gin'nnah is a Notary, Independent Business Consultant. But you may know her as the woman who did not remove her veil in court, due to her Religious Life, she lost because of the way she looks, This is her Daliy Life no matter the weather, no mater where she goes, this is her way of life. Gin'nnah ended up in court because she rented cars for her company. In Business you have to set your Image and part of my Image is to be clean, smell good and to drive a hot car, make sure the car smells good and clean, Gin'nnah feels skin care and new cars goes together. I have done market reseach on new cars, and guess what? we love them (Women), We love the smell of a new car and the ride, I have not stop driving hot cars, see you around the City, don't be surprise if I stop you and hand you a fragrance.
Thank You Gin'nnah, for being there for me and so many others, you help us so much.
Sometimes you have to lose to Win, in my mind you won because you are true to your self.
I love your skin care line , hygiene is so important, I'm teaching my boys with your soap they love
it. The Mans soap.
I don't even think to hard on the courts, Just say out of them as the Law is not made for you honey
But I did want to let the people know, that you are good on Business, thank you so much we are on
the right track now and sales are picking up, your markting Ideal is working. I'll be back over there
for my fall markting in a few weeks see you soon, keep up the good work.
Congratuation Sis. Gin'nnah, On the courage to stand-up for your beliefs. I was there in court with you and even though you lost that battle you won the war in letting others know you are very serious about paying religious attention to your way of life. Your a winner in my book! Thanks for all the knowlege you are sharing with me and my business. And Thank You for all the compliments I get when I walk into a store, elevator, resturant or just passing by someone that tells me "you smell good" or "what are you wearing it smells so good". Those are compliments any woman no matter what state or country they live in would love to hear.
Gin'nnah, I love you so much, I'm happy it's over because when I come to the store it's open agian, Thanks cause I love my Liquid Shea Butter, where else can I buy this product, my whole family love's it. I need your help in what calss should I take to open my business, so many people in Detroit talk about you when it comes to business, and business tips. I will call you Monday you have a good weekend. p.s my kids said they saw you at the zoo.
Hello Gin'nnah I all ready know you for the great Woman you are ! This new paqe in your life has not stop you from helping the community or the young Ladies to find careers not only to make money but to have fun while working . What I like about you the most is you work with everyone no matter race , religion , or age. All I've heard you say and " I quoit " If you are not ready to give your all then come when you are ready , Time waits for no one . Just hearing you talk gives me the uplifting I need from time to time . Sister you should considered having a motivational class I would come as I'm sure the people would come .