Yearly High for Unit-Sales With Prices Rocketing to another All-Time High for Battle Ground WA in August 2020
Strong Pending Sales from last month resulted in high unit-sales, and Pending Sales came in this month at about the same level. Prices are moving up at a very steep pace now. Here are the highlights for this month's report:
- The 3-Month Moving Average Sales Price moved up by about $31,000 and is now $472,496 which is 15.71% higher than last year; with the 12-Month Moving Average now at $443,289 or, 7.77% compared to last year.
- The Inventory level for Resale Homes Remained at 1.2 Months (no change) of Supply.
- Approximately 64 Pre-owned Homes closed, compared to 75 Sold in 2019; a decrease of 11 homes (-14.67%).
- REO/Bank Owned property sales were 1 units (1.56% of total); up from 0 (0%) for the same month in 2019.
- Short Sale /Pre-Foreclosure property sales were 0 units (0% of total); compared to 1 (1.33%) in August 2019.
The Average Sales Price for Battle Ground moved a whopping $31,000 up to $472,496 this month; and now leads Vancouver's price-level by $63,287!
The custom chart I've prepared below shows the trend for Average Number of Pre-owned Homes Sold; with the short term (3-months-trend shown in red) and long term (12-months - blue) trend-line:
This month the short term trend-line is still moving in a positive direction even though even though we are just under 8% below last year's number of sales. The strong showing the past three months has been enough to cause the long-term trend-line to move upwards from its sideways movement. Battle Ground is also far enough from a big city such as Portland or Seattle, to be a target for those leaving the bigger cities in this country; which will continue to push more buyer demand.
My next chart for the Average Sales price trend:
We now see both the short-term and long-term trends moving Steeply upwards. With very low Active Inventory; Record Low mortgage loan rates, and a desirable area to live is resulting in prices here rising perhaps the strongest in the County.
The final set of graphs come from RMLS for Battle Ground WA and show:
Pending Sales remained at its strongest level of the year, while New Listings fell; and Closed Sales posted its highest market of the year. This community's available inventory remains in an extremely low level - or, Seller's Market.
The Average Price for New Listings eased but still remained at a high level. Closed sales prices posted the highest level ever.
Finally, Average Days on Market rose by almost a week; and Median Days rose by a day. We expect the pace-of-sales to remain very brisk for the next couple of months.
Thank you for viewing our real estate sales report for Battle Ground Washington. We are glad to answer any questions you have on this market area!
PS - We Love to List and Sell Real Estate in Battle Ground! If you are thinking of selling Give us a Shout out! The first step is to give us a Call (e-mail or Text is fine as well) and have us prepare a Current Battle Ground WA Property Valuation at no-cost, no-obligation to learn your property's current value and how the listing and sales process works.
PPS - We also love to help Property Buyers looking at Battle Ground WA Real Estate For Sale . Our website is free to use, and provides several category searches, with property listings from the entire RMLS. Battle Ground WA properties still represent a great value in 2020. When you are ready to take the next step in purchasing a home or property, Give us a Call!
NOTE: Some of the popular Search Pages on our site include: Battle Ground Acreage Homes; Battle Ground Luxury Homes; Battle Ground One-Level Homes .
The Battle Ground Washington Real Estate Sales informational charts used in this report (prepared by Realtor® John Slocum, our resident statistician) are based on home sales recorded in the Battle Ground MLS system (RMLS), excluding sales of mobile home; and shows the purchase activity since 2009; charting the 3 month Moving average number of sales, and the 12 month Moving average. This "smoothing" of the trend-data helps illustrate the short-term and longer term trends in the Battle Ground WA real estate market.
Disclaimer: as with any real estate statistics, we do our best to provide the best representation at the time the data was acquired. We deem the data and reports reliable but not guaranteed.