Neighbors don't care about floods, they care about their neighbors.
East Sherman homeowner waits for the rain to stop:Ft. Atkinson, WI: 061208
Volunteers sandbag on East Sherman in Ft. Atkinson, WI:061208
Volunteer sandbagging in the rain on East Sherman in Ft. Atkinson, WI:061208
Volunteers sandbag in the rain on East Sherman in Ft. Atkinson, WI:061208
Volunteers sandbag-over 4,000, bags- on East Sherman in Ft. Atkinson, WI:061208
Filling up the sandbags on East Sherman in Ft. Atkinson, WI.
...and then you have to go check on your place: Rock River Road, Ft Atkinson WI:061208
A home owner in the flood:061208
Stormy skies:the extra rain doesn't help flooded back yards: 061408
..and some sunshine gives us all a break, but the water keeps rising: near downtown Ft. Atkinson on the Rock River:061408.
Water covers the Riverwalk in Ft Atkinson, WI: 061408.
...left and right, water keeps rising on the roads as the Rock River presses in: 061508....we all would really like for this to be over: water up and over Rt. 106 East:
...fighting for your home is hard work: bringing sandbags to people cut off on Milwuakee St by rising floodwaters from the Rock River in Ft. Atkinson: 061708
We all just want it to be over-we are looking for Saturdays' rainbow right now.
I am thankful for my friends and neighbors.
We all do what we can when we have to.
Take care, and stay dry.