
Palos Verdes Home Sales Valmonte Neighborhood 1st Half 2020

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Estates Properties 00598848

Palos Verdes Trees

Palos Verdes homes sales in the Valmonte neighborhood for the first half of 2020 decreased to 14 single family homes sold in 2020 compared to 19 in 2019.  Price per square foot for Valmonte houses that sold in the first half of 2020 decreased to $726 from $787 in 2019, a 7.7% decrease.  Average sales price for Valmonte homes sold in the first half of 2020 decreased to $1,708,214 in 2020 compared to $1,808,105 in 2019.  The most expensive Palos Verdes home sale in the Valmonte neighborhood was $2,995,000 and the lowest priced Palos Verdes home sale in the Valmonte neighborhood was $1,125,000.

Currently, the Valmonte neighborhood has 5 Palos Verdes homes for sale.  There are 5 single family homes for sale ranging in price from $1,400,000 for a 3 bedroom/2 bath, 1,527 square foot home, to $4,799,000 for a 6 bedroom/8 bath, 5,000 square foot home.  There are no condos/townhomes in this neighborhood.

For background and history on the Valmonte Neighborhood Multiple Listing Area 164, please click here to read my prior article on this neighborhood.

To view current Palos Verdes home sales for the Valmonte neighborhood and real estate statistics for the entire Peninsula, please click here or on the “Statistics” tab above.

Originally posted to Elaine Carlson's real estate blog

Photo of Valmonte Trail courtesy of Arvin Design

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Anthony Acosta -
Harry Norman, REALTORS® - Atlanta, GA
Associate Broker

Good evening Elaine Murphy Carlson 

Thank you for sharing your Palos Verdes Home Sales Valmonte Neighborhood First Half 2020.  Best of luck to you.

Oct 03, 2020 05:48 PM