Some investors attempt to improve Cash Flow by eliminating unnecessary operating expenses .
And some of these investors quickly learn that a Property Manager is not an expense , but rather a
key component to your Investment Team. No business can grow unless the person at the top can
Delegate . The true value of a Property Manager quickly becomes obvious when you realize just
what they can do better than you ( the owner) . Here’s a short list of services / attributes :
1. A Property Manager(PM) will keep a full time eye on eliminating Vacancy
2. A PM has been professionally trained how to Legally screen potential tenants.
3. A PM has ongoing Marketing that produces a pool of potential tenants.
4. A PM uses Legally Approved Leases and documents ( that hold up in court).
5. A PM has a team of people working full time on Rent Collections.
6. A PM is automated w/ accounting that allows you to view you statements from anywhere.
7. A PM maintains communication with you tenants on a monthly basis .
8. A PM will obtain estimates and monitor repairs by their stable of Affordable Handymen .
9. A PM knows exactly how to implement/file and Win an Eviction ( in the shortest amount of days)
10. A PM will participate in the physical Lock Out on an evicted tenant .
11. A PM will purse any unpaid rent for Years by filing a claim at the local Credit Bureau.
12. A PM will reward Landlords they manage for ,with ongoing opportunities to buy other properties
that they manage ( when other landlords decide to sell).
So as you can clearly see it’s costing you money not to have trained Representation while building
Your Rental Portfolio. A person’s mind expanded by new ideas can not return to its original dimensions.