Today was broker open house day in my town. One of the conversations I had with collegues was about overpriced listings. Yes, they are still out there... sellers who believe their house is the exception to the rule and therefore worth what is was in 2005. And of course we have agents who are enabling this thought by accomodating these sellers. I'd like to speak direclty to those agents now.
Currently the nature of my business is primarily buyers. I am educating my clients on purchasing their first home, transitioning from city life to life in the burbs and touring them around to visit the different neighborhoods New Rochelle has to offer. This is all part of my job and I am happy to do it. Now in case you haven't noticed, gas prices have hit $4.49 a gallon (for 87) and I am not going to waste gas schlepping buyers to your overpriced listings! Come out of the stratoshphere and I'll bring my buyers with reasonble offers. Until then, I hope you have a really good virtual tour.