
Top 5 real estate website misconceptions

Services for Real Estate Pros with PropertyMinder, Inc.

To help agents make the right decision, we offer a FREE 14-day trial of our easy-to-use, all-inclusive AccelerAgent websites. With that, you get marketing and technical training that covers most aspects of Internet marketing.

  1. All websites are created equal.

    Which website is best for you, and does it really work?

    Here's a simple test: Are you using your website daily to communicate with your contact base?

    If your answer is no, then your site does not meet your needs - or it's too complicated to use.

    Overwhelmingly, agents, buyers and sellers prefer all-in-one websites for everyday use. PropertyMinder AccelerAgent websites capture leads, automate follow-up, and instantly connect agents to buyers. Backed by free customer service, our Internet marketing tools help you work smarter and faster - giving you more time to build lasting relationships with your clients.

  2. All websites are equally reliable and safe.

    As business manager of your virtual office, your site must protect your most valuable assets - your contacts.  When a website provider experiences massive downtime, you lose data and business.

  3. You can master your website without proper training.

    Without training, you will never master your site's capabilities. When you purchase a website, make sure your provider offers training beyond online tutorials and videos. A comprehensive training program should include live support from experts and good customer service.

  4. People will find you without marketing your website.

    Does your website capture leads?

    Divide the total number of leads captured over a 30-day period (i.e. May) by the number of site visitors. If this ratio is less than 10 percent, you may need to consider an alternate website service.

    A website can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal; however, it is only that - a tool.

    Many website providers say their sites are favored by major search engines. In truth, thousands of agents compete for the #1 position on Google and Yahoo.

    Top producers, who profit from their sites, agree that an agent must market his own website for it to be effective. Specifically, your web address should be imprinted on your business cards, postcards, flyers - and in every print ad.

    If you are not currently marketing your website,  pay per click (PPC) advertising is the most efficient way to drive traffic to your lead capturing site.

    Launching an email campaign is another effective Internet marketing strategy. Referral and permission-based email marketing achieves results because the emails are anticipated, personal and relevant. Many agents are surprised by how many referrals they get from following up with past clients.

  5. Your clients look at how attractive your website is.

    Research shows that Internet consumers only care about functionality. A reliable, easy-to-use site draws more viewers, leads.

    Can your website handle buyer or seller needs in this fast-changing market?

    Does your website allow buyers to search for foreclosed or repossessed properties?

    Real estate is a local business. Most people move within a 50-mile radius. Is your website local?

    Bottom line: give customers what they want.


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Chip Jefferson
Gibbs Realty and Auction Company - Columbia, SC

Good advice. If the leads arent coming in the web site is useless. There are alot of company's out there. Find one that works!

Jun 19, 2008 11:43 PM