
"Points vs. Non-Original Content" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips

Real Estate Agent with Fathom Realty West Sound WA State 52404

Becoming a vested member of this community requires a very extensive learning curve. There are so many varying features and benefits to take advantage of in the Rain, newcomers find the task of getting their blog feet wet rather daunting. Even those of us who have been participating for some length many times overlook/neglect some of the more obvious nuances.

Allow me to share one such nuance....

You craft your latest blog post creation. You carefully finish formatting, inserting relevant graphics, using spell check (if it's working!), and you're ready to publish.

But on the way down to the "Post Blog Entry" button, you encounter the following check box:

  This is not my content but I have permission to repost it Checking this box will remove any points awarded for this post as well as show the no-points symbol on the post.
Disable commenting on this post Checking this will lock this post from being commented on.

Have you ever just breezed past this check box, without ever stopping to question its relevance to your particular article? Of course you have. Many of us have. Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone!

Have you ever posted a joke? How about that great cornbread recipe from Aunt Velma? Or a treasured Scripture verse for the day?

If what you're publishing IS NOT your own original content, but you have permission to repost it, this box should be checked.

Checking this box will disable points from being issued for your post and shows the 'No Points' flag on your post.

Why?  Because ActiveRain points are awarded for original content. This helps to ensure that people are making genuine efforts to 'earn' their coveted points by contributing valuable, quality 'original' content, and not simply using content copied from another sources.

So, if you're posting jokes, recipes, Bible verses, newsletters, MLS/IDX feeds, or any other content that is not Your own original content, and you have permission to repost, please check this box.

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Rich Jacobson is a REALTOR® and licensed Broker with Fathom Realty. He's a Crab Hunter, Clam Digger, and Oyster Shucker, skilffuly vanquishing anything in a shell! He is the Social Media Evangelist for Life on the Kitsap Peninsula & The Western Puget Sound in scenic WA State.

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Lane Bailey
Century 21 Results Realty - Suwanee, GA
Realtor & Car Guy

There is still a lot of "vague" in that description.  As well as a lot of room for not original content.  If I have an article that I have written, and it is syndicated to 15 different sites (I actually have a couple of those)... it certainly isn't original to A|R... but it is also MY content. 

I don't believe in posting jokes and recipes (but I have a recipe or two that rock ;^ ), but those aren't the only things that get posted that are not-point worthy.  And no matter what, there will be people that don't deserve the points they get, and others that deserve points they don't get. 

If there is a system, it will get gamed.

Jun 21, 2008 05:49 AM
David Thomas
HomeSmart Realty, Elite Group Scottsdale, Arizona - Gilbert, AZ

Rich - thanks for the guidance - hopefully the people that need to read this will.

Jun 21, 2008 05:53 AM
Carole Cohen
Howard Hanna Cleveland City Office - Cleveland, OH
Realtor, ePRO

Hey, who you callin' a drip! :-0

Good explanation but what would you expect from the crab king! :-)

Jun 21, 2008 06:31 AM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL

Gracious Rich...

Are we supposed be flagging the Jokes that are posted for points? The Jokes for points have always been a bit of a thorn in my paw. All original .. All The Time .. Is the only time points should be rewarded. Okay. I better stop before I type out the rest of what I'm thinking :)


Jun 21, 2008 06:50 AM
Erin Newington
5305573559 - Grass Valley, CA
Sierra Foothills Realtor

I never knew what those boxes are for!  Thanks for the post.

Jun 21, 2008 10:59 AM
Larry Estabrooks
Independent Real Estate Agent - Moncton, NB
100% representation means NEVER DUAL AGENCY !

For the check box the word "content" should be changed to "creation".
But even that won't stop the "too lazy to create" members.

Jun 21, 2008 02:21 PM
Neal Bloom
Brokered by eXp Realty LLC - Weston, FL
Realtor CRS-Weston FL Real Estate


I know you guys have a hard time monitoring this but it's all over AR...and it's just so they can post something and they can't be creative enough to write something original....I found quite a few from a random search...if you paste the post into google you'll see how many times it's been stolen or repaeted...I'm not even sure who the original person is. But I'll tell you this's all about the points because if it wasn't then they would disable it just like you said but obviously they get nothing for it so they don't disable it.

Jun 22, 2008 12:44 AM
Steven L. Smith
King of the House Home Inspection, Inc. - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham WA Home Inspector


Great explanation. I always post my own stuff, but often see articles like that. I did not realize that the bloggers, on their own accord, are disabling their points. I thought AR did it to them.

Jun 22, 2008 05:33 AM
Rich Jacobson
Fathom Realty West Sound - Poulsbo, WA
Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker

The bottom line here is that each of us is responsible for our own content. As AR Staff, we have limited resources, so we can't go around micro-managing what everyone writes. Just use common sense. If you encounter someone who is clearly violating/gaming the point system, kindly send them a link to this post. The best deterrent is to lead by example, and for more members to post good, relevant, quality articles.

For all of you who consistently post your own original content, Thank you!

Ardell:  Solomon said there was nothing new under the Sun. But there's a HUGE difference in changing up Grandma's recipe to plagiarizing someone's intellectual property for unfair point advantage. There's nothing wrong with reposting someone else's stuff, as long as you have their permission. You just don't get brownie points for it....

Carole Cohen:  I miss your face. You need to pop up more in the Rain...

William: What makes you think I didn't come by your post? Who do you think gave it the Gold Star?


Jun 23, 2008 08:49 PM
Neal Bloom
Brokered by eXp Realty LLC - Weston, FL
Realtor CRS-Weston FL Real Estate

Then what is the sense of flagging a post if AR won't check it?

Jun 23, 2008 11:58 PM
John Egan
LoFaso Real Estate Services - Brunswick, OH

Definitely answered n\my question as to why points were disallowed for a few blogs. Would make sense to explain that when someone clicks on the button below a post rather than posting this


An Unexpected Error Occurred.

We've notified the appropriate people at ActiveRain about this error. Sorry! We'll try to get whatever caused this fixed as soon as possible.


This doesn't explain why the points were deleted.



Jun 24, 2008 01:43 AM
Rich Jacobson
Fathom Realty West Sound - Poulsbo, WA
Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker

Neal:  Who said that there wasn't any sense in flagging posts? And who said AR doesn't check them? Not sure where you're coming up with that? My last point was simply to say that each of us, as vested members of the AR Community, can have a positive effect on helping to curb this problem. With almost 100K members, there is no way for AR Staff to adequately police each and every instance. But with all of us together, through our own examples of writing quality content, and taking the time to guide the newer members, we can work towards improving this issue.

Jun 24, 2008 03:00 AM
Margaret Mitchell
Bricks & Boards Corp. - York, ME

We need a button to disable points when we make unoriginal comments.  I know most of mine are, lol.

But ty, I will keep this in mind when I make my first post.

Jun 30, 2008 05:52 AM
Dawn Maloney
RE/MAX Trinity Northeast Ohio Real Estate Specialist - Hudson, OH
330-990-4236 Hudson & Northeastern Ohio

I accidentally checked the box and lost my 200 points for a post...I will definitely breeze past with more caution now :(


Jul 21, 2008 06:18 PM
Dawn Maloney
RE/MAX Trinity Northeast Ohio Real Estate Specialist - Hudson, OH
330-990-4236 Hudson & Northeastern Ohio

Hey - thanks!!!!

Jul 21, 2008 06:32 PM
DeAnna Troupe
Learn Small Business - Stone Mountain, GA

Thanks for posting this information.  I am sure that it has helped someone.  Since I have parents that are computer programmers, I have been trained to "read the screen".  I know that isn't always the case.

Keep up the good work.

Jul 21, 2008 11:42 PM
Carole Lhuillier
Keller Williams Realty SunCoast - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Our Home Team SunCoast

It's always good to hear someone else's interpretation for this.  I do think, however, that when you bring an interesting article or an informative report to the attention of the group because they may not have had an opportunity to read it, that this is also very valuable to others and adds value.  Of course, this should be notated, and ultimately it is not up to any of us to decide if it is worthy of "points" which should not be the ultimate reason anyone posts something on the network anyway.  Your viewpoint is much appreciated.

Good luck to you,

Carole Lhuillier

Aug 15, 2008 04:10 AM
Russell Lewis
Realty Austin, Austin Texas Real Estate - Austin, TX


You are correct about the learning curve here at Active Rain I also appreciate your interpretation on the subject but also   I do think, however, that compelling information and  articles are ok if used for quites and not as the overall posts. I am amazed at the hundreds (if not thousands of seemingly useless post/ blogs that are submitted for the purpose of points only. I certainly do not want someone "yawning" and ignoring completely, my own posts and am trying to take a new tact with something that illustrates me personally as well as providing some quality content! 


Aug 15, 2008 05:16 AM
Andrea Tsakanikas
KT Consulting International, Inc. - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks for the clarification since so many of us quickly pass over those boxes.  And kudos also for creating a great blog to elicit so many AR comments and opinions!  That technique has also taught me something about AR as well. 

Aug 15, 2008 07:38 AM
Sally K. & David L. Hanson
EXP Realty 414-525-0563 - Brookfield, WI
WI Real Estate Agents - Luxury - Divorce

What makes nio zip nadda sense to me and should be the wordless blogs that some people find occasion to write all too often....a picture with no caption and apparenly the word count is from the bottom of the blog with pleas to "twitter, facebook, follow, twit..." and jokes at least have a "point"....a picture...not sooo much.  Thanks for listening !

Feb 20, 2010 12:04 PM