
Helping Yourself

Industry Observer with Crochet Dreamz LLC

There is always something about ourselves that we can improve and in doing so we increase the opportunities to get the most out of life.  Our beliefs and thoughts shape the way we behave. In order to achieve our goals and ambitions, our mindset needs to match our aspirations.  How we think, act, and react to situations, can have an enormous impact on our lives and the lives of the people around us.  If we start by trying to consciously change the way we think, we can begin to develop a positive mindset.


Many of us miss out on the joy of the moment because we are constantly thinking about what might happen in an imagined future.  By worrying about something uncontrollable means there is no action to take in order to minimize this worry, so therefore it's time spent unproductively. When worrying becomes excessive, it can lead to feelings of high anxiety resulting in physical illness.  So it's important we keep track of our thoughts as this will help us to begin to conquer these feelings.


To be happier, more in control, and able to cope better with life's ups and downs, there is always room for self-improvement. Taking the opportunity to create a healthier lifestyle, together with a heightened sense of self-awareness, we can be more adaptable to change and better prepared to improve our quality of life. We need to start by focusing on the goals that matter to us most, build self-improvement into our daily routine, and let go of negative thoughts about ourselves.


Making Better Choices


The best way to make decisions is to know what our goals are. Being reflective helps us to make better choices because we are more aware of what we want out of life.


Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice, but remember, ultimately any decisions we make should be ours, as no one else is actually 'walking in our shoes'.  We need to start trusting ourselves. Then as we grow in confidence, we will feel better about making bigger decisions in the future.  The only way to get better at something is to keep practicing.


Invest In Yourself


It can be difficult to fully enjoy our lives if we are constantly worrying about our finances.  However, finding the motivation to improve our lives in other areas can help inspire us to also get our finances back on track.  It might involve cutting back on spending, building a budget, or even taking on an extra job.  But by taking positive action and making better decisions we can make our financial goals a reality.


Sometimes it's important for us to live outside our comfort zone and watch for new opportunities. It's good for us to try new things and challenge ourselves, this will help us to grow and improve.  We can't tackle every single problem on our self-improvement list at once, so we need to create a plan of action and focus on building one good habit at a time. Nobody is going to make our life easier for us.  The onus is on us to look with awareness at our life and empower ourselves to make better decisions that will serve us well, both now and in the future.

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Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide

Invest in Yourself...very important!

Jan 09, 2021 12:36 AM