When I was a kid (50 years ago) . . .
our family vacationed on Cape Cod EVERY summer. We always stayed in East Brewster in Ellis Landing in the same Bay-front cottage (Channel View), and our cousins stayed in the (larger and fancier) Seabreeze next door.
We loved every minute we had on those vacations . . . but the down-side was that we DROVE the 1200 miles there and back . . . PACKED into a station wagon – all 6 of us – Cartop carrier – Mom & Dad in the front, 3 of us kids in the back seat . . . and Amy or Liz in the “WAY Back.”
We played games – 20 questions – counted state license plates – I spy and invariably hated each other until we saw the Cape Cod Bay in front of us as we topped the hill in Ellis Landing . . . and the 1200 mile trip home was veritable inhumane torture in our minds.
On the way TO vacation, we would always make posters saying “CAPE COD OR BUST” . . . NEVER on the return trip.
Same trip – Different directions – Polar Opposite mental outlook.
We were “ALL IN” as we departed Nashville. Spirits HIGH – EAGER to count off the miles travelled . . . The return drives were fraught with squabels and even BRAWLS and always seemed to take an ETERNITY.
50 years later and I wonder . . . What if we were to make posters saying “NASHVILLE OR BUST” signs for the drive back?
Listen to your mindset and adjust accordingly, and I’m certain you’ll smile more and have WAY more WINS.
Published by Barry Owen
Strategist-CEO of Pareto Realty Real estate sales Professional Inviter-Facilitator-Practicer of Open Space Technology Opening safe space for people & organizations to self-organize around issues & opportunities BarryOwen.US Invite-Listen-Love View more posts