
Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth

Managing Real Estate Broker with Harb DeSa Realty PA# AB066822 | TN# 344201

Five years ago I wrote three blogs on ActiveRain as I processed the coming death of my unborn son Creed Daniel DeSa from a condition known as anencephaly.  The response from the ActiveRain community - and it is a true community - was overwhelming.  

Dozens of people made caring comments on the blogs.  Dozens more sent emails of support.  Some mailed cards.  Some of you mailed us books.  I read every comment, email, card, and even every book.  Some of you even donated money to defray medical and burial expenses.  The ActiveRain community lifted my wife Amira and me up.

Blogs from 2015:

Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth

Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth UPDATE 1

Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth UPDATE 2 - FAITH

Creed did go to be with Jesus just hours before he was born on December 19, 2015.  I was so heartbroken at the time that I neglected to provide an update to those blogs about what happened.  What I did do was write quietly on my computer from time to time about the experience.

Today marks five years from that tough day.  I feel relieved to give those of you who supported Amira and me back then an update.  I am saddened and privileged to announce that my book, Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth, has been released.  

Thank you once again to those of you who lifted up us.  




Hardcover and Kindle Versions Here

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Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA - Thousand Oaks, CA
Residential Real Estate and Investment Properties

I'm sorry this happened to you.  Glad you were able to overcome and find meaning in it.

Dec 19, 2020 07:34 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Hello Tai... I remember those posts. They were heartbreaking. I can't begin to imagine what you went through. That being said, I'm delighted you've come out "the other end" and with your book can now help others who go through the same experience. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a happy new year.

Dec 19, 2020 07:39 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Hi Tai I am so happy to see you back in the rain after that heart wrenching time. Nothing is worse than loosing a baby or child.  Congratulations on writing this book.  I know it will help a lot of people that were in your place 5 years ago. A gift of love to other parents.

Dec 19, 2020 08:13 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Tai - I too remember your posts and how we all felt the unbelievable pain you and your wife must have been going through. I am happy to see you here and I know that the book will provide some help from other parents who are going trough this. 

Dec 19, 2020 01:44 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign


Dec 19, 2020 08:02 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good morning Tai DeSa - thank you for returning to Active Rain to tell us that you have written this book.

Dec 20, 2020 05:39 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

I am sure your book will help other families who are facing the same situation you did. I'm glad you wrote it and hope it helped you as well.


Dec 20, 2020 06:48 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

I remember your post clearly!! I'm sorry you and your wife had to endure so much pain but what a wonderful way to help others. I hope writing it was helpful to you also!


Dec 21, 2020 08:55 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Hi Again Tai!

I am incredibly touched by your story and how you put your heart into helping others who find themselves in a similar predicament. The strength of your love and your faith is so inspiring. Creed not only touched you, Amira and your family's lives but, through your loving, faith-based words, he has and will continue to help others. 

Thank you again for sharing your story, Tai.

Dec 22, 2020 06:53 AM
Bo Zivak
Zivak Realty Group - Nashville, TN
Nashville Real Estate Broker

Good morning, Tai DeSa. I'm delighted to see you back here on Active Rain. 

Dec 28, 2022 11:15 PM
Lise Howe
Keller Williams Capital Properties - Washington, DC
Assoc. Broker in DC, MD, VA and attorney in DC

I am so glad that you found the release of writing your thoughts and brought it out as a book.  I am very sorry that this happened to you and your wife.  I lost several pregnancies but much earlier than your son's and I am sure the pain increased for you every day.  It is very difficult to lose a child, even one who never took a breath outside the womb.  

Jan 05, 2024 05:39 AM