Five years ago I wrote three blogs on ActiveRain as I processed the coming death of my unborn son Creed Daniel DeSa from a condition known as anencephaly. The response from the ActiveRain community - and it is a true community - was overwhelming.
Dozens of people made caring comments on the blogs. Dozens more sent emails of support. Some mailed cards. Some of you mailed us books. I read every comment, email, card, and even every book. Some of you even donated money to defray medical and burial expenses. The ActiveRain community lifted my wife Amira and me up.
Blogs from 2015:
Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth
Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth UPDATE 1
Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth UPDATE 2 - FAITH
Creed did go to be with Jesus just hours before he was born on December 19, 2015. I was so heartbroken at the time that I neglected to provide an update to those blogs about what happened. What I did do was write quietly on my computer from time to time about the experience.
Today marks five years from that tough day. I feel relieved to give those of you who supported Amira and me back then an update. I am saddened and privileged to announce that my book, Living with a Baby Who Is Going to Die at Birth, has been released.
Thank you once again to those of you who lifted up us.