
Pre-market CT real estate repairs & your real estate agent

Real Estate Agent with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty CT RES.0783448

As much as we want to bring to help absentee owners, it is not a real estate agent's job to be the contractor or person responsible for a complete cleanup. The real estate agent should visit the property and prepare a general list of what should or shouldn't be done for possibly a satisfactory price. At the time of the initial visit if the owner is out of town, the agent should send data &; time stamped photos to the client.  The owner should also a trusted friend or family member view the home prior to any work being planned.The agent should review real estate activity with the seller client prior to so they can understand the market and tentatively give the owner an idea of what current as-is value is as well as an idea of what the value should be if they invest time and money into improvements. 

The real estate agent should simply make the introduction to the contractor or contractors. Agents should recommend reputable local contractors with available crew that can get the jobs completed at a reasonable price in a reasonable time manner.  The agent should open up the house if needed & the owner should make themselves available at the time for telephone, facetime, zoom call to see what the contractor says & to discuss improvements with the contractor. Any payment and scope of work needs to be discussed between the home seller and contractor, as well as payment schedule, contingency reserves, change orders, time-frame and purchase of materials needed. etc The owner then decides after speaking with the agent & reviewing their personal situation what should or shouldn't be done.

While the work in going on, the contractor needs to be the one updating the seller on the process, the owner should have a trusted individual check the home regularly, maybe have the agent job by one a week or every other week if they are around. It is not the agents responsibility to oversee the contractors-even if the seller is a friend of the agent, it is beyond the scope of their expertise.Under no circumstances should the real estate professional be doing physical work preparing the home for the market. 

In the past, I have chosen paint colors & carpeting with the owners approval. However, I do not invest any further as I don't want the risk & responsibility. As an agent, I have had to purchase a couple of minor things previously at home depot or lowes and promptly sent receipts to clients for reimbursement . As an agent, most of us are not in position to purchase lots of items for a seller client & wait for payment to come.  Once the home is ready, the agent should update the seller & make arrangements to start the photography. It is the real estate agents responsibility to property market & negotiate the sale bringing the transaction to closing. 

Serving the Greater Danbury area since 2006 Jonathan Hall with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty does welcome out-of town sellers, but needs them to understand he is not a contractor or property manager and doesn't want those duties. Please contact Jonathan at 203-417-0523 or to discuss the possible sale of your CT home. 

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Jonathan Hall-Realtor Serving Greater Danbury & Candlewood Lake with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty
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This information is provided by Jonathan Hall,Realtor  with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty in the Greater Danbury & Candlewood Region of CT. For additional information, please call him at 203-417-0523,203-796-7700X305 or email me at . Unless indicated, all content is the property of Jonathan Hall. If you would like to use any of this information, please contact me for permission. He is a licensed CT Salesperson License #RES.0783448 with William Pitt Real Estate LLC License # REB.0751698. His office is located at 112 Federal Road,Danbury CT 06811.

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Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Too often sellers get accustomed to flaws in their home and do not feel the need to repair prior to selling.  Those same people get highly offended when a buyer;s inspection reiterates the flaws that the agent warned them about prior to listing

Dec 22, 2020 01:08 PM