My analysis of real estate market statistics in Broken Arrow is for houses in the city of Broken Arrow (including houses in Broken Arrow Schools, Bixby Schools, Union Schools, and Tulsa Schools) and for houses in the Broken Arrow Public School District (no matter what city they are in: Broken Arrow, Tulsa, Bixby, or Coweta).
The real estate market in Broken Arrow, OK is hot at every price point.
Market trends, real estate market analysis for single-family homes in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Analysis of trends and shifts in the real estate market for houses in the City of Broken Arrow and in the Broken Arrow Public School District.
This category is a study of market trends, the supply and demand for single-family homes, an analysis of the housing market for houses, using MLS statistics for houses (single-family homes) to show:
- the hotness index for houses, calculating the ratio between active and pending MLS listings;
- the velocity of the real estate market, showing how many houses are selling each month or the rate of sales for single-family homes;
- the 3-month absorption rate, showing the current supply of houses on the market or how long it will take to sell all the houses currently on the market (assuming no other single-family homes come on the market);
- the odds of selling over the next 90 days, using the absorption rate and comparing it to all the rooftops in the market (the active, pending, closed, expired, released and withdrawn listings in the MLS).
This analysis will show the market trends in order to spot shifts in the market. Graphs show the change in the 3-month absorption rate and show whether a particular price point is in a buyer's market or a seller's market.
To search for houses in Broken Arrow Schools, go to Homes for Sale in Broken Arrow Public Schools
To search for houses in the City of Broken Arrow, go to Homes for Sale in the City of Broken Arrow, OK
Copyright © 2021 Deborah M. Durkee. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — Broken Arrow Housing Market Analysis – December 2020