
Diary of A New Agent (Well, Almost New)

Real Estate Agent with Acquire Real Estate

It is Saturday, June 21st and I am 3 days away of achieving my goal of becoming a real estate agent. I can't tell you how many people have said things like "are you crazy, in this market?" or "why would you want to do that?". But I don't worry about those people at all. I am so excited and I want to share my journey with you...

My name is Kiri Rawson and for the last 5 years I have been a stay at home mom in Lexington, SC. I have wanted to become a real estate agent since before my oldest child was born 8 years ago, but the timing was never right. 2 years I thought it was the right time, but it became quite clear that it was not. Instead I joined a direct sales company that sells children's books - Usborne Books At Home. That turned out to be a blessing. I became quite successful, gained sales skills and met a lot of great people. The money I am making from selling books is now paying for my training and start up costs.

This summer things are very different - everything is falling it to place perfectly for me to become a very successful agent.  My husband is being fairly supportive. I was able to find childcare for my children in order to go to pre-liscensing school with relative ease. (no easy feat for a stay at home mom) And after a great struggle trying to pick a company, David Patterson with Keller Williams in Columbia, SC walked into my life and made the decision easy. That was the final piece of the puzzle that I needed to be 100% certain that I was doing the right thing for me and my family.

Picking a new company can be a very daunting task. For those of you that have been with the same company for a while and are now recruiting, you may not remember what it was like. It is scary, exciting and down right nerve racking. I started interviewing Brokers In Charge 2 years ago when I was very seious about going to school and starting my career. Things didn't work out then, but I learned a lot. I interviewed 4 companies and narrowed it down to 2 large companies in our market. This summer I went back to one of those BIC and left that day convinced that was where I would go and did not interview anywhere else. (Yes, the fees were high to start and the commission was low, but the BIC really made me believe in myself. That was all this self-esteem starved mom needed to hear)

Then it was off to a great school - The Real Estate School for Success for 60 hours of laws and regulations. The first day I was amazed that I was the only one in a room of 14 students that had talked to a broker, let alone picked one. I am a firm beleiver that God puts certain people in our lives for a reason. I think that first broker's role was to make me believe in myself. On the next to last day of class, a group of agents from a smaller office came at lunch time to recruit. That was the only day I didn't have to run children around, so I stayed for the free lunch. The night before my husband informed me that I needed to wait until fall to actually begin my career because the fees were so high to start. Needless to say, I was thrilled when this second company had almost no fees to start and a much higher commission split. So they didn't have a very structured training program or a large market presence, but I could go ahead and start! I spent 2 hours interviewing this company and left feeling good about it. The people were younger and seemed very eager to help me. I could really see myself successful with them. Now I was very stressed about making a decision. Would I disappoint the woman who inspired me? Would I wait 3 or 4 more months to pursue my dream? Would I disappoint the newer agency that had lisitings in a neighborhood I loved? URGHH!

Because of the delay in applying to take the South Carolina Real Estate exam and actually taking the test, I was advised to go ahead and take the Final Sales course. So I went straight from First Year sales to final sales the following week. I walked into class that first day and saw several of my former classmates. More than one asked if I had picked a company. I said no, I was struggling with making the right choice. When it was time for class to start, there was no instructor. 15 minutes later the secretary came in to say the instructor scheduled to teach our class was sick, but I substitute had been found and would be arriving in about an hour. "Great" I thought sarcasticly. Actually it was the best thing that has happened to me in quite a while.

My "new" instructor was David Patterson ( One of the first things he asked was what did we want to learn about. I stated that any advice he had about picking a company would be greatly appreciated. As class went on I asked all sorts of questions (I usually do) including things about IDX. I'm not sure what I said that morning that impressed David, but next thing I know he is telling me he will be bringing me a book and wants me to talk to his "Team Leader". At 5:00 that evening I was sitting in the Keller Williams Office in Columbia. By 5:30, I knew exactly what company I would choose.

That night I had a very restless night. I knew which company was the best choice for me and my family, but how was I going to break the news to the other two. Very early the next morning I sent a very nice emails explaining my decision to choose KW. Oh the news was not taken well. (For those of you that are recruiting, if someone tells  youthey are choosing another company please do not make it more difficult) Since the decision was made and everyone notified I have been at peace with the decision.

This week I start my new career. I will be passing my state exam on Tuesday morning and getting my SC Real Estate Liscense. Please wish me luck!

Tomorrow I will tell you what I have been doing to prepare for my career and my 2 potential clients. (I promise it will be shorter)

:) Kiri

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Leesa Finley
RED Properties - Wake Forest, NC
RED Properties - Raleigh NC Real Estate

Kiri - I am very excited for you and I can't wait to see and hear how it goes.  You have so many people here at Active Rain that are on your side - we got your back!  ;)

THE David Patterson???  David - That is SO COOL!

Jun 21, 2008 12:39 PM
Kiri Rawson
Acquire Real Estate - Lexington, SC

Thank you for all your encouragement and positive reaction to my blog. It is great to have a place to tell my story and seek guidance,

I didn't know David was a celebrity???? All I know is that he was the first person who could answer my web questions and he provided my class with great practical info. I can't wait to learn more from him and all the others here at AR.


Jun 21, 2008 01:29 PM
Kiri Rawson
Acquire Real Estate - Lexington, SC

Thank you for all your encouragement and positive reaction to my blog. It is great to have a place to tell my story and seek guidance,

I didn't know David was a celebrity???? All I know is that he was the first person who could answer my web questions and he provided my class with great practical info. I can't wait to learn more from him and all the others here at AR.


Jun 21, 2008 01:29 PM
John Novak
Keller Williams Realty The Marketplace - Las Vegas, NV
Henderson, Las Vegas and Summerlin Real Estate

Welcome to ActiveRain, Kiri, from a fellow KW agent in Las Vegas! I think Keller Williams is a great place for new agents to start because of classes like Camp 4:4:3, Lead Generation 36:12:3 and of course, the methods and systems in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. Good luck with your new career!

Jun 21, 2008 03:01 PM
Keith Elliott Jr
KEIRE Realty Group - Manassas, VA
Principal Broker/Owner

Hello Kiri,

Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post! The opportunities to learn and network are incredible here. Best of luck to ya!


Jun 21, 2008 04:41 PM
Vicente A. Martinez
Prudential Douglas Elliman Licensed Real Estate Salesperson - Woodhaven, NY
Realtor, Brooklyn - Long Island - Queens Homes

Hi Kiri and welcome to active|rain. There are thousands of tips, tools, and tricks of the trade here. Be sure to check them out. Best of luck and see you around.

Jun 21, 2008 05:20 PM
Ted Mackel
Keller Williams Realty Simi Valley - Simi Valley, CA
Simi Valley Real Estate Agent

Welcome to ActiveRain. Congratulations on your first post. Get around and check out the community, you'll quickly figure out how to supercharge your blogging skills.

Jun 21, 2008 06:41 PM
Elva Branson-Lee
Best Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Marketing Specialist, Atlanta Short Sale Pr

Hi Kiri. I, too recently joined Keller Williams as a new agent in the Atlanta, GA area, and am a newcomer to ActiveRain as well. I think we picked a good company, especially as newbies. I have to admit, I started out a few months ago with another company, one that promisesd great training for new agents. Well, there was a lot of training, but not nearly as good as that you get with KWU. And, most importantly to me, the KW company culture is so much more supportive of new agents. My MC made me feel like part of the team from day one. I think this kind of hands on encouragement and assistance will be important to someone like me (and you), coming into the field in this particular historical market. Good luck to you.

Jun 22, 2008 11:50 AM
Cindy Eanes
1st Choice Realty Group - Chesterfield, VA
Realtor - e-PRO, SFR, ASP

Kiri,  Good luck on your exam!  You have really planned ahead and thought each step out.  It's great that you know which Broker you will be working with and that you already feel comfortable about the whole starting out phase.  Keep us informed on your progress!


Jun 22, 2008 01:10 PM
Sonja Thompson
Howard Hanna - Erie, PA


Congratulations , you will be passing your exam on Tuesday!! I have about 1 year of Real Estate experience and I remember going through the same struggles myself. I was a stay at home mom too and always wanted a career in Real Estate. Just like you the timing never seemed right. And one day I was looking at the classified ads in the newspaper and there was an advertisement for a career in Real Estate. I said I am going to call and do this and I am glad I did. As far as picking the right company, that was a learning experience. I am now with the best real estate company ever Howard Hanna. Howard Hanna is the fifth largest full service family owned Real Estate company in the United States, unfortunately they are not in South Carolina.  There is not a Keller Williams  where I live, in fact I never heard of them until I joined active rain. You have to pick a company that offers extensive training. One thing I like about my company is that my manager is not a competing broker. There are alot of things I love about Howard Hanna. What is important most for a new agent is work hard. A lot of people will come to you and give you advise politely nod and keep going, listen to your manager!!! The good thing about Real Estate is that you can include your family. My 4 yr old son has a pair of sunglasses with my company's logo and he loves telling people that his mommy sells houses and shows them his glasses.  Good luck and feel free to email me.

Jun 22, 2008 02:08 PM



Good luck on your exam. I loved your post. I'm a very New Agent! I passed my exam last month and just choose a brokerage firm an activated my license last week! How wonderful is it that we get a chance to do something we have a passion for? People said the same thing to me, "why would you get in the business with the market the way it is"! I honestly think it's the best time to get in, learn all we can and kick butt!!

Jun 23, 2008 08:38 AM
Christi Baylor
UP Realty - Austin, TX

Good luck on your exam!!  I enjoyed reading your post as I am at the same stage as you - recently passed my exam and gone through the rigorous task of interviewing brokers. Sounds like you have made a well thought-out decision.  You will do great in this business!

Jun 23, 2008 11:17 AM
Kay Wise
Fort Huachuca, AZ

Your post was very encouraging to me.  As a stay-at-home mom and someone who has had the dream of being a real estate agent for about 7 years myself, I found your story to be an inspiration.  I haven't take the plunge into the classroom yet, as I am still waiting on that "right time" for my family and me.  There are so many obstacles in the way and I am just researching the real estate profession, making sure that it is where I need to be.  Thank you for adding the information about interviewing brokers, prior to taking the course.  I wasn't sure if that was the right path to go on, but in seeing your success, I see that my thoughts were right.  Good Luck to you!

Jun 23, 2008 12:11 PM
Robert Melvin
Gasparilla Properties, Inc. - Boca Grande, FL

Welcome...  I just passed my state exam on 6-13-08, I have been an assistant for about 9 months and was a stay-at-home mom for 8 years too... I have also taught school.  It is a great time to start your new career!  I read alot of blogs and forums for information and inspiration!  Your post was great!  Keep them coming!

Jun 23, 2008 01:10 PM
Leeshay Wright
Keller Williams Realty - Mauldin, SC

Welcome to the team Kiri and you don't need luck you have already spoken that you will past the test (call things that are not as though they are)  I touch and agree with you in prayer that the test is passed and you will be successful in real estate.  Amen!

Jun 23, 2008 04:41 PM
Maria Sells!
3DX Real Estate - Canton Township, MI


I've been an agent for a year, and I'm with KW... I love the profession and I love KW!!


Jun 25, 2008 08:00 AM
Bree Fera
Coldwell Banker Lake Country - Greenview, MO

My new favorite quote... perfect for the climate in the real estate market is as follows:

"Tough times never last, but... tough people do!"

It reminds me that there is nothing to be afraid of, just work hard and keep at it. 

Good luck!  You'll be great!

Jun 26, 2008 05:31 AM
Jeffrey deJESUS
eXp Realty of California Inc. - Daly City, CA

Congrats Kim! Im very proud you accomplished your goal and that you join AR! I hope to see more blogs from you. Good luck!

Jun 26, 2008 05:53 AM
Latonia Parks
Top Bragg Realty, Fayetteville NC, Home of the 82d ABN DIV - Fayetteville, NC
Certified Military Relocation Expert

Congratulations, I had to skim through your blog so I could look at some others tonight. :)  Keep up the good work and I will see you around AR.

Jun 29, 2008 01:54 PM
Michael "Mike" Miller
My service will move you! Help me, help you!

Kiri,  Welcome to AR and the wonderful world of Real Estate.  Mike

Jul 25, 2008 02:06 AM