
Banks not in the Lawn Care business? Arapahoe County begs to differ!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with SOA Realty

It is starting to become a common sight in many neighborhoods across the country > the home that has been overgrown with weeds, bushes, trees, and the grass is either dead or out of control.  The suburban bunny rabbit's dream!  Of course, most of these lawns belong to the banks that obtained them through foreclosure. 

I think we can agree that these lawns are not aesthetically pleasing, but furthermore, they may lessen the overall appeal of a neighborhood...scaring away potential buyer's. 

Today I saw a sign on the garage doors of two homes in an area I was in today, near Saddlerock, in Aurora, Colorado.  Below is a picture of the sign:

The sign essentially states that the owner of the property has 15 days from the notice date to clear the lawn of weeds, or Arapahoe County will come and do it for them...and send them the bill.  Haha!  I applaud Arapahoe County for taking this proactive approach.  This does not solve bush and tree problems, but it is a good start. 

If you would like to file a complaint in Arapahoe County, you can do so if grass or weeds are 6" tall or higher(one acre lot or less only).  It is a violation of County Ordinance #88-2, and can be reported by calling 720-874-6711.  Time for banks to get in the lawn care business!


Stefan Geyer, South Aurora Realtor/Eco Broker

Lenn Harley
Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate - Leesburg, VA
Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland

Good!  This is a practice of some HOAs also.  They can cut, send a bill and file a lien in some areas.

Jun 21, 2008 10:29 AM
Chris Horton
Horton's Lawn Care L.L.C. - Burton, MI

We have that same ordinance here and they are finally starting to somewhat enforce it with the banks (they never cared before now they enforce it around the holidays on the banks, everyone else its all the time). One of the lawns I do for a bank is actually a home on the condemned and to be demolished list and it is also being enforced for lawns. Alot of the banks don't care unless someone says something, if you have a foreclosure that isn't being mowed get with the bank and tell them how bad it looks not only on you with your sign in the yard, but them and the neighborhood in general, some will actually listen, especially when you tell them how proper lawn care and maintenance can help sell a home.

Jun 21, 2008 10:33 AM
Randy L. Prothero
eXp Realty - Hollister, MO
Missouri REALTOR, (808) 384-5645

The banks need to clean up some of the practices.  The communities are beginning to make them clean up the yards too.  I think that is a good thing.  The properties sell for more if they look better anyway and are less of an invitation fro vandalism.

Jun 21, 2008 10:35 AM
Lisa Friedman
Alliance Realtors - Bedminster, NJ
Central New Jersey Real Estate

Oh, what a great law!  I was recently in a neighborhood where probably 5% of the homes had weeds three feet high.  It makes it so hard for anyone else to sell.  Seems like banks shirking their responsibility to me.

Jun 21, 2008 10:45 AM
Joe Virnig
RE/MAX Gold Coast REALTORS, Ventura County, California - Ventura, CA
No Ordinary Joe

I can think of a few communites that could benefit from this ordinance.  The city would have to hire a full time lawn guy though.

Jun 21, 2008 11:49 AM
Cindy Jones
Integrity Real Estate Group - Woodbridge, VA
Pentagon, Fort Belvoir & Quantico Real Estate News

I'm seeing more and more enforcement by HOA's and our local counties when the lawns are out of control.  I called our zoning group this week about a house that was unbelievable and found out that I was not the only one.  It is not a foreclosure and the agent admitted they had taken care of it for a year.  AHHHHH can you say DUH????

Jun 21, 2008 11:54 AM
Stefan Geyer
SOA Realty - Aurora, CO

Lenn - A lien?  Even better!

Chris - These changes should be good for business.  Hopefully you will be working alot more for banks in the future. 

Randy - Vandalism is a good point to bring up, which is another major concern.  Not too long ago, I had a showing and found a vagrant in the basement.  Not a welcome suprise!  They had vandalized the property as well.

Lisa - I agree, the banks have been shirking responsibility in most cases.  They were obviously not prepared to handle the large inventory of foreclosures and it shows.  It appears that communities are forcing change, which is great to see.

Joe - It seems some cities have hired people to take care of the weeds.  Full time lawn people would be great.  Even better would be if the banks hire these people.  You think they would realize that their homes would sell for more if they were maintained.

Cindy - Definately 'duh'!




Jun 23, 2008 04:10 AM
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Aurora, CO

I am glad to hear they are doing this, especially since I live in Arapahoe county! Thanks for sharing Stefan.

Jun 23, 2008 04:56 AM
Jenniffer Lee
RE/MAX Complete Solutions - Boca Raton, FL
Broker/Owner/Realtor at RE/MAX Complete Solutions

Good concept, but I doubt they'll collect before closing, and will only collect at closing if the file a lien.

Jun 23, 2008 09:18 AM