Dean Lawrence Kamen was born in Long Island. New York. In his teenage years he built light and sound systems, before he graduated from high school his income was around $60,000.00 a year. After graduating from high school, he attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute but he dropped out in 1976.
He currently holds over 1,000 patents, so let’s cut to the chase. This one is going to be short. He invented the Segway PT, manufactures and markets the first drug infusion pump. He holds patents for the technology used in portable dialysis machine, an all-terrain electric wheelchair, a water purification system. He is so-inventor of a compressed air device that would launch a human into the air to quickly launch SWAT teams or other emergency works to the roofs of tall buildings. A prosthetic arm replacement, just to name a few. The was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997. He has several Doctorates from so many universities and colleges, I can’t name them all.
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