
Start on your New Year’s Resolution- A Real Estate CRM can Help you!

Real Estate Technology with IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM

Like many others, prior to the new year, you compile a list of resolutions, or goals you will work to accomplish once the clock hits twelve. Unfortunately, many of those new year’s resolutions fade away. Goals like hitting the

gym a few times a week, eating healthier, saving money and become less engulfed in social media become almost impossible to achieve. However, it is never too late to get back on your game and give these goals another go. The same applies to your real estate business. How many times has the thought come up of getting more organized, being in touch with your contacts and gaining more contacts in your sphere? If your resolution for this year was to put your real estate business at the forefront, it’s never too late to work toward this goal.

Plain and simple, here are three quick reasons why you need a real estate CRM:

1. You will get more Organized

Organization is key. In your daily life, in your home, in your car, etc. What happens when everything is a mess? You become less productive, lazy, and you start putting things off to the last minute. A real estate CRM will help you organize your real estate business. Your contacts will be categorized and sorted, you will be notified of daily tasks and follow-ups with your contacts and you will then be more efficient.

2. You will take Initiative

Do you remember any of your contacts’ birthdays, move-in anniversaries, or even any specific details about them by heart? The answer is probably no. And you shouldn’t have to. But your real estate CRM will be the source of all of this information. It’s like having a personal assistant do the work for you. And what do you get out of this? You become more proactive. A simple birthday card, a move-in anniversary greeting or even sending a contact warm wishes after they’ve had surgery will make their day. Most importantly, it will build a strong relationship and that is the foundation for any business.

3. You will become Savvy

Ditch those spreadsheets, your Outlook calendar and your sticky notes. Your real-estate CRM will help you gain more skills than you think. While many other contact management tools feature a static-looking database, a good real-estate CRM will actually offer more features than you think and you will gain more skills that will serve value to your real estate business. In order to increase revenue in your real estate business and advance, you have to learn what is trendy now and adapt. With marketing automationautomated social media postingemail nurture campaigns, hands-on customer support and a customizable agent website, you will take your real estate business to a next level.

So what do I do now?

Try a real estate CRM out. Are you still confused about which one? Try ours. No pressure. It’s FREE for 5 weeks and you can take advantage of all of our unique features. Do you happen to have one and have second thoughts? Read our previous blog and find out. You won’t regret it!

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IXACT Contact - Real Estate CRM and Marketing Made Easy

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