
Diary of A New Agent (2 days until I'm legal)

Real Estate Agent with Acquire Real Estate

It is Sunday afternoon in Lexington, SC and my family and I will be going out on Lake Murray in an hour or so. We have just purchased a lake lot in Pintail Pointe in Gilbert, SC. We have looked at these lots for about 18 months and we finally made the offer the week I started licensing school. (Don't ask why we didn't wait for me to be licensed. It was not my decision.)

I know I need to be studying for my exam on Tuesday, but I just don't want to. Instead I am starting to get anxious about not having a step-by-step plan for what happens after I get my license on Tuesday. I'm not worried about being successful. I worried about not having my path to success all laid out. For those of you familiar with DISC - I am a DI with more D than I. I am the type of person that goes to Disney World with a written yet flexible plan. My family always makes fun of me for it, but by the end of the day they appreciate that I made them be there when the gates opened.

My original plan was to start slow this summer and develop a business and marketing plan before jumping into the fire. That has changed because I have 2 potenial clients. My friend Kandace would like for me to sell her house and help her find a new one. If she isn't ready to list it this week, she expects to be ready next week. Another friend has referred me to buyers that are ready to move out of their apartment. This is a great problem to have and I am not complaining. I just don't know what to do! I am sure my team leader at Keller Williams will have all the answers for me on Monday or Tuesday. But in the meantime, not knowing is driving me nuts.

So how did I get 2 clients before I got licensed? I was nice to people! Both Kandance and the woman who gave me the referral are people that are on my Usborne Books team. I am their supervisor and I have done a lot of little extra things to make sure they have been successful. Now they want to return the favor and help me be successful. It makes me feel great know that they are so pleased. It is all about paying it forward.

That is what I want to do for my real estate clients. I will find out about their needs and expectations. Then I will provided that extra level of service so they have a successful transaction and a pleasant experience with me - their agent for life!

Tomorrow I promise I will actually study. Check back for a pop quiz on RE terms!

If you are enjoying watching my progress, please subscribe to my blog.

Have a great day! Kiri



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Linda Coen-Cushman
Coen-Cushman Real Estate, LLC. - Fort Bragg, NC

Best of luck but study, study, study!!

I look forward to hearing how you progress!

Welcome to KW and welcome to AR!

Jun 22, 2008 06:49 AM
Erin Newington
5305573559 - Grass Valley, CA
Sierra Foothills Realtor

Good luck!  I love ht eKeller Williams model.  Sound like you will be great!

Jun 22, 2008 07:15 AM

Kiri-What an interesting time to choose to go inot the profession. I am sure you thought about it loang and hard. You seem to have the "killer instinct" to succeed and I believe you will. More greese to your elbow.

Jun 22, 2008 07:16 AM
Leesa Finley
RED Properties - Wake Forest, NC
RED Properties - Raleigh NC Real Estate

Go Kiri - Go Kiri - Go Kiri!  You will do great!  Don't OVER-study though - that is possible you know!  You get overloaded and that can't think when the time comes.  I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Jun 22, 2008 08:08 AM
Connie Rice
Keller Williams Greenville Central - Simpsonville, SC
Connie Rice & Partners - Greenville, SC Real Estat

Welocme to Active Rain. This is a great site with a wealth of knowledge available. Hope to see you around! Happy blogging~

Jun 22, 2008 08:18 AM
Susan Neal
RE/MAX Gold, Fair Oaks - Fair Oaks, CA
Fair Oaks CA & Sacramento Area Real Estate Broker

Hi again Kiri, my only advice:

Sit down and go through the list of all the things you are required to do before the license is actually issued.  If there is nothing undone and you will only be waiting for test results, then all your focus can be on the test and you should feel comfortable and confident. 

I have to laugh now, but it wasn't so funny at the time for me when I thought I had everything done.  It seems I have little or no fingerprint ridges, and California requires licensees to have a legible fingerprint card on file before the license will be issued.  I tried for months to get a good set - all the fingerprinting person got were black smudges.  They would try and try and finally say they thought they had a pretty good set, but the Attorney General (who reviews them and checks for criminal pasts) kept refusing them and making me try again. 

Finally they gave up on me, accepted my collection of smudges, and did a complete background check on me to prove I wasn't a "bad guy".  Of course if I had known it would be so difficult, I would have started working on that long before I even worried about studying for and taking the test!

I doubt if anything like that will crop up for you, but just check off that checklist so you will eliminate all concerns but the test.  And once you pass, your broker, whoever it is, will help walk you through your first few transactions and mentor you.  Nearly every office works that way.  That is why agents work only under the supervision of a broker.  You'll be great!

Jun 22, 2008 09:20 AM
Gary McNinch
Better Properties Real Estate - Renton, WA
Broker, Renton WA Real Estate


Welcome to the business of real estate and the great culture of KW.  Get hooked up on KW Connect, start there, get a great mentor and remember it is all built on relationships. 

List and Sell (and have a wonderful career)   Gary @ RentonHomeFinder

Jun 22, 2008 05:09 PM
Dwayne West
Atlanta Real Estate - Canton, GA
Canton Georgia Real Estate

Welcome to the Active Rain community. You have chosen a great site with tons of information you can learn from.

Jun 23, 2008 03:24 AM