So How Are You Going to Make Your Listing Stand Out From the Rest?
There are a lot of homes on the market right now. Many of them just sitting.....for a long time. Waiting for the "right" buyer.
Well, you can't really do much about size and location....but you can certainly create a real WANT for your property.
This is an example of that.
This condo is in a great area of town. There are several of these that were/are up for sale.
They showed it empty. It sat, without one offer, on the market for 6 weeks.
After it was Staged, it firmed up an offer in 9 days!
Just another example of why we need to stage our properties!
Julia Fedak
Platinum Home Staging Design
"Design for Living, Design for Selling"
c. 289.260.9404
b. 905.561.1916
Living Room After
Master Bedroom After