If you haven't noticed, the prices have increased in almost all neighborhoods in Danbury,Ct over the last 18 months. They have also have increased the market in the condos within the Shelter Rock district of Danbury. If you reside in this area or own a property for an investment it is a great time to considering selling. Below you are see a chart of the average price sale in 2020 vs 2019. It is amazing to see the differences
Community | 2019 Average Sale Price & Number of Homes Sold | 2020 Average Sale Price And # Of Homes Sold | Change In Pricing |
Arlington Woods | $271,113, 8 homes | $280,377, 8 homes | Up 3.4% |
Autumn Ridge | $167,000 1 home | $172,000 1 home | Up 3% |
Birchwood | $171,375,16 homes | $182,975, 12 homes | Up 6.7% |
Summit View | $219,850, 10 homes | $236,400, 6 homes | Up 7.5% |
Southwoods | $185,250, 1 home | $261,000, 6 homes | Up 29% |
Summerset | $187,480 ,5 homes | $183,200, 5 homes | Down 2.3% |
The Knoll | $271,375 4 homes | no sales | |
Timber Oaks | $348,639 18 homes | $363,958 ,18 homes | Up 4.4% |
Woodland Hills | $336,881, 26 homes | $361,769,13 homes | Up 7.3% |
Sales per smart mls, accurate but not guaranteed
As a life long resident of Danbury & full time real estate professional, Jonathan Hall has the knowledge and expreinced to get your townhome sold. If you are looking to cash out or move locally, please consider reaching out to him if you are considering selling. Brokered with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty since 2006, you can contact him at 203-417-0523 or jonathanhallrealestate@gmail.com