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Realtor Questions to the leaders of Princeville at Hanalei

Real Estate Agent with KW Kauai

At the conclusion of the Princeville at Hanalei presentation to the community of realtors, questions were taken from the audience. Here is a condensed version of that interaction that will hopefully provide more insight about development and the activities of Princeville at Hanalei, the owners of the Princeville Hotel, the Princeville shopping center, and close to 8,000 acres within the Princeville area.

Q: What about the status of the long-promised  employee housing?
A: Surveys say that employees would rather live in Kilauea. P at H is ooking at site across from the Church of the Pacific in Princeville, and looking at a place in Kilauea. No decision has yet been made on the location.

Q: What about recycling?
A; Need to come up to a plan that is sustainable.

Q: What are future plans of the Princeville airport?
The airport will continue to exist. Heli USA no longer has their space there. Probably there will be a reimplementation of tour helicopters. There is some fixed wing traffic but primarily charter flights . Some discussions about reimplementation of commuters. Not sure if that is practical or feasible. The runway is not scheduled for any expansion. The Princeville airport is currently limited by FAA rules to planes that carry no more than 10 passengers.

Q: How do people get permission to fly into the airport?
A; Call Mike Lu. One of the hats he wears is airport manager. The minimum insurance is $10 million. Most folks only carry $1 million in liability. The airport is privately owned and there’s major concern about liability exposure. Jeff Stone has a new airline that does fly in. Resort Air. You can contact them.

Q: What is your timeframe on the new 17 lots described in this meeting?
For the new subdivision, P at H just recently applied to planning department. The application is routed to all agencies and comes up before planning commission for tentative approval. This will come up in a couple of months.  Development may include design drawings, dealing with shoreline setback issues (some of the parcels are within 500' of the shoreline), drainage studies, and more complexities.

Q: When you speak about sustaianability at the Princeville Ranch new subdivision, are you talking about windmills?
Probably PVs (photovoltaic) or little vertical turbines. There are lots of new devices coming out and they are getting into feasibility economically. The idea would be to generate a portion, but not all of their energy. Projecting a way to monitor energy, see how much it is taking, and turn it off and on in realtime. You can cut down 1/3 of your energy costs that way.

Q; How will the 17 lots in the new Princeville Ranch sdubdivision be subdivided?
Owners may CPR. Possibly 75 homes total. Create an area where ranch activities could occur. Parcels are between 10 and 30 acres in size.

Q: What are locations for development on the Mauka (mountain)  side
P at H has not yet located the spots. Need to find locations that do not interfere with the Carswells farming operation. It will  be a couple of years before the plan is developed. That will be  10-12 undividable residence lots.

Q:Will the building envelopes in the makai lots be predetermined?
Yes. The makai lots will be very specific and very tightly controlled.


The presentation and questions lasted close to an hour.