Home > Blogs > Jason B. Freeman, J.D., CPA > Jason B. Freeman's Blog bookmark_border Salt Alert: Texas Apportionment Rule Change By Jason B. Freeman, J.D., CPA Education & Training with Freeman Law, PLLC February 10, 2021 11:44 AM George W. RendziperisGeorge Rendziperis provides state and local tax advice to companies in the oil and gas, manufacturing, financial services, private equity, real estate, technology and service sectors. He has more than 15 years of experience advising clients on controversy, litigation, planning, implementation and compliance issues related to income and franchise tax, sales and use tax, excise and property taxes, unclaimed property, and tax incentives and credits. Prior to joining Freeman Law, George was Counsel at Bracewell and held positions with leading tax and consulting firms.george@freemanlaw.comSalt Alert: Texas Apportionment Rule Changes Like favorite_border favorite_border 0 Re-Blog repeat 0 Share: bookmark_border Short link: https://activerain.com/droplet/b7f6 Copy Topic: ActiveRain Community Tags: salt alert apportionment
ActiveRain Community almost 4 years ago bookmark_border But, Your Honor, There’s A Coronavirus Pandemic—Higa & McGrath