Happy Presidents Day 2021!!! Today is Presidents Day, and for most workers in the U.S. and a day off from work. Presidents Day was not always known as Presidents Day, in fact up until 1968 there was no Presidents Day.
Presidents Day was originally known as Washington's Birthday, and established in 1885 by President Chester Arthur. Later many states decided that Abraham Lincoln was equally a great President, and started to celebrate his birthday as well.
In 1968 Congress decided that both days should be combined into one Holiday, celebrated on the third Monday of February, and call it Presidents Day. Today few remember the two separate celebrations in honor of Washington and Lincoln, and think that it is in honor of all Presidents, and special Sales Promotions.
Today will be a work day for me, but I hope the rest of you get to enjoy a day off, and take the opportunity to spend quality time with your family, and honor our these two great Presidents.
Happy Presidents Day 2021!!!