
Big Bear Vacations

Services for Real Estate Pros with MediaCarrot photography

On my blog I mentioned that I was going up to big bear for a photo shoot, but I didn't give all the details that I usually do. I didn't want to say to much and jinx it but, I was going up for a test shoot for Big Bear Vacations. Big Bear Vacations is one of the top property management companies in Big Bear. Turns out they were very happy with my test shoot. I now have a contract with them to photograph 200-300 of their properties(they are getting new vacation rentals every time I go up there)! Woo-hoo! I love it. I get to drive up to beautiful Big Bear once or twice a week. It will be a project that we'll work on for the next year. I'm very excited to photograph all their vacation rentals and they seem just as excited to have new photos and virtual tours for their vacation rentals. Anyone looking for a nice place to get out of town, Big Bear is a two hour drive from Los Angeles. Beautiful, relaxing, small town feel and not too far to worry about the amount of money you'll be spending on gas, but lots of blue lake and blue skies! From what I hear it tends to be a big snow ski area and quieter in the summer. I say Big Bear is the place to head this summer! The summer rentals are very reasonable and very I photograph the cabins I'm picking out which I intend to rent when I have some time off! Take a look at some of the photos. I'll keep you updated on how this project is going and the best cabins up there to rent! In the mean time give Big Bear Vacations a call! (800)524-6600

This is Cabin 991 "Winding"

This is Cabin 977 "Hillside Hideaway"