I represent tax payers in the greater Saint Louis area and the state of Missouri who have issues with unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax liabilites. Now tax season is getting into full swing with the IRS now accepting efiling.
You know you need to file but are fearful what the IRS will do once they find out you haven't filed and owe a lot of tax. You start thinking about the tax and the past that has caused the situation.
Some of the past can come up in many ways.
* Can't sleep at night
* Perhaps selling your business or divorce is on the horizon.
* Getting served with a civil lawsuit.
* IRS or State Audit.
Did you particpate in the following?
* Unreported income(taking cash payments?)
* Did you pay employyes cash under the table?
* Employees that you decided were independent contractors when they weren't.
These issues can pertain to all sorts of taxes.
1. Income tax-personal.
2.Income tax business.
3. 941 tax
4. Other taxes.
The answer to your problem may lie in disclosing to the goverment your past mistakes and now you want to make it right.
It's called Quiet Disclosure.How do you that when there are unfiled returns, other back taxes from the past and pesky liens and levies.
File back returns or amend returns.
Submit and wait to see what might happen.
What if that friendly Revenue Officer knocks on the door? Disclose your problem.This allows you to clean up the past formally.
There are a couple of rules that you must be aware of.
1. If the IRS finds out thru the media,someone snitches on you or maybe your bank reports something that doesn't look right it will not be available to you.
2. No protection for a taxpayer whose unreported income was illegal.
If you or someone you know in St. Louis or anywhere are having issues with the IRS or State tax issues relating due to unfiled returns, tax levies or liens, please feel free to have them contact me at steveshapiroea@gmail.com or call at 636-397-2759 or text at 636-866-4554.
Enrolled agents are federal tax practioners and are licensed by the Treasury Department.
Arch Tax Resolution
620 South Benton Street
St. Charles, MO 63301