
Xcel Energy; Saver's AC Switch. Money in your pocket and a hug to the environment!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with SOA Realty

Do you have central air-conditioning?  Do you like to save money?  Do you like to conserve energy?  Me too.  That is why I am going to call Excel Energy and take advantage of their Saver's Switch.  The Saver's Switch is a free energy conservation program that helps preserve natural resources for future generations, keeps electricity available to all communities during periods when demand is high, and keeps electricity rates low and affordable.

If you volunteer for the program, you will receive a $40 credit each year you participate in the program.  Xcel currently has approximately 100,000 Colorado customers on the program and they hope to have 140,000 customers by year-end 2010.  For further detail, go to the Excel website and enter your zip code. 



Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - Aurora, CO

This is a great program. I signed up for it a year or two ago, and you can't even tell the difference. It is worth it to help the environment, and it's nice getting the $25 credit in October. Thanks for sharing.

Jun 24, 2008 07:14 AM
Stefan Geyer
SOA Realty - Aurora, CO

Hi Stacey - Thanks for the testimonial, it helps to hear from someone that has been using the Switch.  I have placed my order.

Jun 24, 2008 07:25 AM

Keep in mind that although XCel gives you $25 it might actually cost you more money in the long run.  Your A/C only turns on when it needs to cool your house.  This includes the FAN that circulates the air and the condenser which actually cools the air.  XCel turns off the condenser which means that although your house needs to be cooled more you are just wasting electricity as the fan keep circulating air trying to cool the house.  Once they turn back on the condenser the fan needs to run even longer now to get the temp down to where you wanted it.

Jul 22, 2008 10:38 AM
Stefan Geyer
SOA Realty - Aurora, CO

Thanks for the last response (though I am unsure the author).   

It is correct that the furnace fan continues to operate while the condenser is shut down. This is to keep air circulating in your home so it maintains a steady temperature. It costs very little to run your furnace fan while the energy consumed by the condensor is much higher. That is why energy bills escalate in the summer, not because of the furnace fan but because of the condensor. In general, any energy used to heat or cool will cost more because consumption is higher.

This is also the purpose of the Savers Switch program. During peak energy consumption times, such as recent hot days, the Savers Switch is activated to relieve stress on the electrical grid and prevent possible outages. Furnace fans continue to run because they do not consume high amounts of energy.

You also have the option of turning off your furnace fan if you do not want it to run but the savings of shutting off the condenser will far outweigh the expense of running the fan.

Jul 27, 2008 01:31 AM
Pete Jalbert
The Maui Real Estate Team, Inc. - Paia, HI

Seems like Xcel is doing some cool things. I was in Boulder visiting friends when they made the smart grid announcement.

Jul 27, 2008 08:09 AM
Stefan Geyer
SOA Realty - Aurora, CO

Thanks for mentioning the smart gird Pete.  The goal of a smart grid, for those of you unaware, it to create more options for managing personal energy use, habits and costs.  I believe it is the first community in the country to do this.    

Jul 27, 2008 10:19 AM
It doesn't help the environment; it's a controlled load shed for the utility so they can smooth power demand - that is why they pay you for it. If you want to help the environment, turn the AC off.
Sep 17, 2010 05:15 PM