Anniston in Davidson, NC - Niblock Homes
Anniston in Davidson - A beautiful Niblock Homes Community

Minutes outside of Davidson, Anniston

The price range for this neighborhood is $450K - $750K with models starting around 3,000 sq. ft. There is a model on site. Niblock is a great mix if you are not sure whether to go for a Custom Builder, or a Production Builder. The product they build seems to give you the best from both worlds.
Here are the current MLS listings for this community

Below is a map of the location of this community.
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See also:
Town of Davidson

Lake Norman Lakeside Dining
Why do I need an agent to purchase a home?
First Time Homebuyers
The Production Homebuilding Process
New Construction and Homebuilders
Contact your Lake Norman Real Estate Expert

Jeremy Adair
Real Living - Davidson, NC
Cell: 704.315.8106
Fax: 704.892.9766