
NFT NBATopShot NBA Top Shot

Managing Real Estate Broker with ERA American Real Estate

Continuing with my #NFT posts series if your just seeing this one you might also be interested in 


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NBA Topshot sent me to Discord as they gave updates on the trading card moments which are live videos of NBA players highlights which are on blockchain and are NFT. I was interested in this as Dapper Labs has built their own wallet for crypto wallet and only required a credit card. They didnt require you to have a stand alone crypto wallet which at the time I didnt have. I also had not yet bought any crypto coins.  NBA topshot had giveaways and still do from time to time to have you setup on their website showcases to get coin credits or cards they call moments.  nbatopshot cards I have received from fantasy leagues of $Whale @CavsTheBlockfan2016 on they also have packs that you can open if you are luck enough to get packs of the moments, you may have heard of them on the news rundown on CNBC if you watch that and other outlets for record sales in the millions for NFTs.


The market place is down on moment values over the last month and could be a good time to buy in if you havent yet started to collect. They had a large run in Jan of this year and are still in beta as they have issues with their high demands on packs they have to shut down their website to fill all orders.


There is a bit of up and down like stocks as it is a market and there are rare cards to get you can get a pack of rares at a higher price. I am not giving any financial advise in regard to NFT they are specualtion and risk like anything you buy for investments. 


The above is a picture I took of the website. If you do jump into investment with NBA TopShot just be prepared that you might have to have the window open in line for hours and have it on in the background on your phone or laptop as you go through your day. They did just release an email to email you when its your turn to buy a pack a needed improvement. There is a whole environment that is setup around tracking serial numbers of the moments and their values along with graphs of the value for each moment, per player, per series, per serial number range. Evaluate Market I would suggest staring there to know what the values are if you do open packs and wonder what they are worth. They also say how many are yet to be released in packs.


They have many growing pains going on and have been at it for months but have been injected with investors cash and signed the deal with NFL so they are likely to be around I belive. The customer service is lacking but hopefully they will get there. Their launch was a bump the all star weekend their chance of fans playing along with the players and collecting the site was done for example. There are also NBA players that go on Twitch and open packs and have collections they make on the site and as players tweet and spread the word on social media the site is likely to grow as it is only about 50 players interacting so far but #NBATopShot this is a going on with Twiter and can have a chance to be made into a card/moment this increases fan interactions I have always been interested in new marketing and seeing new avenues for marketing like this and applications test use cases.


ESPN has talked of them as well and I suspect that will roll out more with highlights on sportscenter helping prices. They do challenges of series to collect for an additional moment which is interesting and will have a hardcourt game to use the cards along with possible burning of the tokens/moments to make them more rare if collectors decide to do so. There are many things that look promising and catalyst for growth. This is in cooperation of the creator of CryptoKitties which helped launch the largest NFT marketplace for trading topshot famous collector has now seen investors like social currency coin $Whale community to hold Ashton Kutcher and Mark Cuban pitches for the next NFT project. Whale community I found from Topshot as well as their fantasy league and found marblecards from the whale community list of events.  


So if you are on Discord I am located at CAVSTHEBLOCKFAN2016#0715 on

Posted by

Brandon Jordan, Realtor,E-PRO,ERA American Real Estate

Thank you for adding me as a friend over the years on Facebook.

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Certified E-Pro™ Realtor Short Sale and Foreclosure Certified ERA Distinctive Properties Specialist
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Brandon Jordan 
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ERA American Real Estate
Cell- (850)-758-1236
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Harry Johnson

Well, I was also looking for an option to invest in something useful and get paid for it. It seems to me that trading and sports betting is rather boring, and besides, it doesn't make any sense, except for the possible earnings. I like projects like more. I run various challenges to make my city greener, while I can buy an NFT card and earn money from its price increase. I want to be more eco-friendly so I invite my friends to do these challenges with me.

Nov 01, 2021 01:58 AM
Ervin Smith

Honestly, it seems to me that all these pictures with NFT tags are all pure divorce and people no longer know what they can earn. If I were them, I would try to start betting on sports. Moreover, today you can find a lot of good online bookmakers. For example, at sites like Takebet Rwanda. See for yourself, maybe you can find something interesting for yourself.

Dec 17, 2021 07:13 AM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

Looks like you are into creating the NFTs. I wonder, if you ever tried adding them into marketing your listings? 

Sep 14, 2022 08:46 PM
Brandon Jordan

Thanks for the question. Inna Ivchenko  There have been a few ways to use the nfts to market first of course I posted here on ActiveRain here is an nft group I started on AR NFT group   then posted about how others can make nfts from tweets Mint your tweets into nfts I used my nfts on social medias like Twitter with trying to start a #1stNFTmintedRealtor added that to my Twitter profile. Then trying to help those that follow my blog and joined the nft group here on AR letting them know nfts are coming to Facebook and Instagram which I already posted my nfts real estate related of youtube videos I made into nfts via marble cards. Instagram nfts then I utilized the alexa skill for Help Me Buy My New Home for the real estate voice activated search to make nfts of those to generated something new with existing content I had created you will see a couple pictures of the help me buy my new home alexa skill marble cards on the instagram nft post. I then went on to post the nfts of #1stNFTmintedRealtor to my Facebook business page and again the Youtube area videos along with Help Me Buy My New Home video nfts and created from the TV episodes I ran before Team Sold Tv new nfts for that as well, then posted on my websites for the blog there trying to cover the bases for integration of the nfts in marketing. Making a nft of individual properties being offered for sale I have not created since taking the blockchain certification course the founder of reconsortia mention that as a Security and Exchange Commission certified investment banker she viewed all nft offerings of real estate properties as securities so I havent created any listing specific ones to market. You are able to use their platform at Reconsortia to submit properties for nfts with them creating them, I dont agree with her position on that topic and wouldnt agree if the SEC determined that was their positions as well but have still decided to proceed with caution and not create listing specific ones for sale as of right now there is no case law on the books to point to showing that real estate nfts are a security in my opinion and I raised that question to the course director who didnt point to any case laws being on the books as its yet to be tested and tried.

Sep 20, 2022 09:57 AM