This is just a tragedy to see happen. The only thing I can think of that even resembles what happened would be the attacks on September 11. The building is by the Atlantic Ocean in the town of Surfside Florida. The investigation is obviously ongoing at this point as search and rescue continues to find any survivors.
The foundation may have been affected by salt water getting into the underground areas and causing stress cracks. Apparently there were ongoing inspections happening just before the tower collapsed according to the USA Today article. A sinkhole has not been ruled out but most likely was not the cause of this since no large hole had opened up.
Florida building deemed in very good shape by town officials according to this USA Today article.
Maybe the inspectors missed something? It is very important to inspect your building or home on a regular basis in order to catch problems that might occur.
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this unbelievably sad event.