1. De-Clutter!
Make sure you pick up all those little items that are only there to take up space and make a room look small.
2. Rearrange Bedroom Closets and Kitchen Cabinets.
Make sure to clean out all closets and cabinets. It make you look tiddy and make them look spacious.
3. Rent a Storage Unit.
If you have more furniture than you house, PLEASE, rent a storage unit and put most of your belongings in there until you get your BIGGER house.
4. Remove/Replace Favorite Items.
If the mirror in the bathroom or the light fixtures in the dining room belonged to your grandmother then take them down and replace them with nice replacements.
5. Make Minor Repairs.
The minor repairs are what will kill a deal. FIX IT!
6. Make the House Sparkle!
Make sure your home is CLEAN! CLEAN!
7. Check Curb Appeal.
Make sure your landscaping is BEAUTIFUL!
8. Then call Joyce Guidroz to list your house! 504-390-7651