
10 Home Inspection Red Flags!

Real Estate Agent with Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert

Most homebuyers realize that they can’t expect a perfect home inspection report when buying a resale home. Cosmetic flaws and minor repairs are easily managed and shouldn’t be dealbreakers. That said, there are some issues that are more serious and should give the buyer pause if not addressed adequately.

10 Home Inspection Red Flags

  1. LeakyandRundownRoofing–watchforsignsofcurrentorpastwater damage.

  2. PoorDrainage–drainageissuescancauseseriousdamagetothehome foundation, siding, and basements.

  3. FoundationIssues–signsoffoundationproblemscanincludecracks around doors and windows or uneven floors. Foundation problems can cost thousands of dollars to correct.

  4. PlumbingProblems–majorplumbingissuesshouldbeconsideredcarefully and further explored.

  5. PestInfestations–termitesandotherwood-eatingpestscancause extensive damage that can be hard to find and costly to repair.

  6. Mold–that“musty”smellcouldbeduetohiddenmoldandfurther investigation should be taken as mold can be dangerous to the health of the family. Depending on the type of mold, it can be very difficult to remove entirely.

  7. Faulty Heating System – a malfunctioning furnace can be a fire hazard.

  8. ElectricalWiring–faultywiringcancostthousandsofdollarstorepair.

  9. StructuralDamage–saggingjoists,rafters,anddoorjambscanbeevidence

    of larger issues.

10.Deferred Maintenance – a home in poor condition could be hiding more

serious issues due to chronic neglect.

Homebuyers should be alert to these issues and know the costs to repair before concluding the sale. And home sellers may think about  addressing these issues before putting the home up for sale to ensure they get the best possible sales price.

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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Kat - perception plays such a big part in real estate in all aspects of the process.  Regular property maintenance and upkeep issues that are not properly addressed can make prospective buyers wonder - what else is wrong?  

Jul 02, 2021 03:43 AM
Kat DeLong

Michael, you hit the nail on the head; what else is wrong?

Jul 02, 2021 07:49 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Good morning, Kat... great list. You've covered it all. And the deferred maintenance issue is much more critical than many people realize,

Jul 02, 2021 04:39 AM
Kat DeLong
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ

Hi Nina:


I agree about the deferred maintenace.  If that is done, the selling process is improved by so much.

Jul 02, 2021 07:51 AM
Rocky Dickerson
Realty One Group - Las Vegas, NV
Superior Service!

Good morning Kat! Excellent point for many homebuyers to keep in mind during their transaction

Jul 02, 2021 08:02 AM
Kat DeLong
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ

Thank you, Rocky!

Jul 02, 2021 08:56 PM
Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

That's a valuable ist of red flags you have presented, Kat.  Home inspections are an important part of the home buying process.

Jul 03, 2021 03:31 AM