A Real Estate saying goes “List to Last” but this is only one of the keys to longevity in Real Estate. All of the listings in the world won’t do any good unless they are shown by an abundance or our fellow Realtors.
There is one key to lasting in the real estate business and it is:
I began my real estate career by attending every possible event in which top rated professionals shared their tools to success. Shortly after the beginning of my career I joined my first Networking Group her in Santa Clarita, California called the CMA Networking Group. I also joined a Business Networking Group about three years later. Both of these experiences taught me how to communicate and share with other professional.
Both of these groups were instrumental to my lasting through the biggest recession in the past eighty years. During these lean years Realtors had a choice who to work with on their REO Foreclosure and Short Sale Listing. I had great relationships with my local Realtor community and was able to get more accepted offers than most agents due to these strong binds created through Networking.
Presented by your Friends & Realtor
Tony & Dani Lewis Summit Real Estate Group
Call or Text us at 661-510-7975
www.TonyLewis.com scvtony@gmail.com