
Attracting More Wildlife to Your Land

Services for Real Estate Pros with Woodland Management Service

Attracting More Wildlife to Your Land

This is a common question that the Foresters and Wildlife Specialists at Woodland Management Service are asked.

Of course the next question that we ask the client is, “What type of Wildlife would you like to attract?”

Forest edge


Regardless of which type of Wildlife they are looking for we know that the most important key to maximum Wildlife Habitat is “Edge”.

Edge, is basically the area between two or more ecosystems (timber types, timber ages, non forested areas, wetlands, etc.).

It is our job to know which Edge types are needed for the types of Wildlife that our clients would like to attract.

It is important for us to know how to create suitable habitat that will accomplish this maximum edge goal. 

This is generally accomplished by using different types of practices like; cutting, flooding, planting, etc.deer

A few examples of this include Deer and Grouse.

Whitetail Deer like to spend their summers traveling between dense Cover such as forestland and Food such as grasslands or agricultural crops. 

In the winter, Deer will spend most of their time traveling between Food such as last year’s clearcut where they find tender sprouts and Thermal Cover such as dense Pines, Spruce, or Hemlock where the night time temperatures are generally at least 10 degrees warmer than in the open.

grouse Ruffed Grouse spend most of their time traveling between the edge types on a seasonal basis.

They spend their time in young pole stands during the mating or drumming season. 

Later in the spring and summer they spend their time in recent clearcuts while feeding the young chicks ample insects that are found in these dense areas. 

Then spend their Winters in the tops of mature Aspen consuming great quantities of nutritious buds to sustain them through a cold winter. 

Having a good mix of these great cover/food types close to each other will do a lot to attract and keep great populations of these wonderful birds.Forest edge

In our part of the country water is not generally a limiting factor since it is everywhere, but in more arid parts of the country a water based edge component can be the most critical factor.

In these areas a year- round pond or stock tank will draw all types of wildlife in from miles around.


To learn more about how you can create a Wildlife Paradise on your land, give us a call, we will be happy to stop by and offer some advice.






Article by Bob Crane at Woodland Managment Service and Woodland Real Estate

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Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

There aren't enough posts about wildlife on here, so thank you for that much very much! ;

Jul 22, 2021 09:53 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Nice post Tracy, feel free to share any other posts of mine that are appropriate for this part of the country.

Aug 15, 2021 02:53 PM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

You are so lucky Tracy to be surround bu the beauty if Alaska and to have the animals to view all the time.


Aug 28, 2021 09:37 AM
Jim Patton
Aspire Home Real Estate 209-404-0816 - Modesto, CA
Realtor - Stanislaus ,Merced, San Joaquin Counties

Very interesting information.  I hope to one day make it to your part of the world.  Looks beautiful!

Sep 09, 2021 05:40 PM