The concept of real estate marketing is always evolving. From billboards, direct mail, to word of mouth, to SEO. I feel like many real east professionals get so caught up in driving traffic to their business, that they leave out the most important thing of all, credibility. Why should you shift your focus to this? Shouldn't the thousands you spend in marketing drive the correct traffic to your business and take care of itself? Of course you want traffic, but what good is that traffic if it never converts. It's identical to having a store in the perfect location, but when you go in, stuff is just everywhere and you have no idea if they have the product you are looking for or not. Lets explore the importance of credibility.
Why It Matters
Without credibility, the traffic you send to your business means absolutely nothing. Whether you use direct mail, Google Ads, or solely focus on SEO, you need to tell your traffic that you are credible. You see, real estate transactions always take place because you solved a problem. Whether a client needs to buy a house, sell a house for top dollar, sell a house fast due to a job change, or anything else you can think of; it always starts with a problem. As real estate professionals, it's our job to solve these problems. This is the only way we are going to conduct consistent business. You need to establish yourself as someone that has the capability of solving their issues. This is how we show credibility.
How To Show Credibility To Our Traffic
When someone lands on your website, they are there to see if you have the ability to resolve their problem. Many real estate professionals get caught up in making it all about them at the very top of their website. This isn't the correct approach. You need to demonstrate that you first understand what their problem is (by demonstrating what you do), prove to them you have a history of solving problems, and last, tell them how you are going to do it (a call to action).
How do you demonstrate that you understand what their problem is? You can do this by showing the traffic what problems you solve. For example, I specialize in helping people with financial difficulties, tired landlords, and people needing to sell their house fast, etc. So I clearly state that at the top of my website. This tells my traffic that I understand their pain points. If you are a listing agent, show them you understand the importance of getting their home moved.
Next, I show them proof that I have the capability to fix their problem. I do this by showing my reviews across multiple platforms. Google reviews are extremely popular and although they can be manipulated, our traffic seems to trust Google Reviews. I also show my BBB Seal. This tells my traffic that I can convert their problem into a solution and have a track record of doing so.
Last, set a call to action. By now your website should be leaving the traffic wondering what they should do next to get their problem fixed. You need to clearly demonstrate a guide for them on what they need to do. Make sure to make this guide as simple as possible. On my website, I created a three step infographic that clearly tells my traffic what they need to do in order to get their real estate problem resolved. I don't want my traffic left confused as to what they should do. I want to clearly demonstrate what type of action they need to take.
Final Thoughts
Many real estate professionals get so caught up in driving traffic to them, that they completely forget the most important thing. Without credibility, traffic means absolutely nothing. I use my website as the example because in my opinion, that is the future of marketing. But this concept applies to other forms of marketing as well. If you are sending direct mail, use these same concepts to show you are credible. Once you can demonstrate this, your business will excel to new heights.