I represent tax payers in the greater St. Louis area, the state of Missouri and nationwide who have IRS I and State issues who have unfiled tax returns and outstanding tax obligations.
This tax season I have had an unusually large amount of inquiries from people who are self filers. The type of questions range from my taxes are to high compared to last year, questions on where to put certain information in there preferred software they are using to inquiring what a certain IRS letter means they got and what to do about it.
Whether someone chooses to do there own taxes or hire someone makes no difference to me. But when you have a question or a problem what usually happens is this:
You are referred to a CPA, EA to answer your questions. There is a catch to this. These are seperate charges to have your questions answered. Every year I like so many other tax professionals are soliticed to work for these companies for an hourly rate in order to help tax payers. This business model could be construed as bait and switch. When you buy the program it seems rather inexpensive but when help is needed it becomes a different story. Very few people want to pay extra.
So this is currently happening right now as I see it. This is audit season and just about all the calls I am getting regarding IRS audits have to do with missing information on tax returns. Why is this happening? Maybe the forms are not as simple to fill out as one would think or perhaps there is no place to put specific information on the form, or inherited funds. Perhaps you had 1099 income and it wasn't put on the return. This is most common. No doubt the ever changing tax laws plus the covid 19 hasn't helped.
Is it worth it? Only each tax payer can decide.
If you or someone else you know are getting these types of letters, have past due tax returns or being levied by the IRS please don't hesitate to call me @ 636-397-2759, email me @steveshapiroea.com or text me @ 636-866-4554
Arch Tax Resoulution
620 South Benton
St Charles, MO 63301
(P) (636) 397-2759
(F) (636) 329-5500