Zoom Call With Ben Kinney on Updates 8.24.2021
The Monthly update Zoom call with Ben Kinney and his development team was informative for what the platform is trying to do to enhance our experience. The start of the call was done by one of the DT members, Casey Saunders.
Casey offered that some of the changes that have been made within the past month may not have been as effective when placed on the platform. To this end they will use a testing or Beta, group of Active Rain bloggers to debug the changes before they are fully implemented. Hopefully this will minimize the issues when the rest of the bloggers get to use the additions. For purposes of protection, the bloggers in this group will remain anonymous.
Both Ben and Casey offered that the biggest issues the platform has is the outdated code. Trying to repair the platform from the back side has challenges created by the previous groups that have owned ActiveRain and how they altered the coding to serve their needs. Changes made here are also the reason for the focus group of bloggers as it is the belief that keeping the changes to this group will get better results.
Soe attention is also being given too the time it takes to upload photos, and possibly creating filters that will keep the most recent photos in the forefront yet maintaining the photo history to not affect older blogs. Requiring a uniform photo size was also discussed which would make uploading quicker.
Some work has also been done with the spam bloggers that monopolize pages of blogs.
The development team is working to be more transparent and to this end they will fer more information on their own blog, How is everyone doing today?
Unlike the early days of ActiveRain, there is no staff of people in a common area waiting for our phone calls to help us with our issues. All work remotely so patience is required and it is a given that they will do what they can when they can.
Ben Kinney offered that he would be interested in doing zoom calls in the future in which he would offer his own tips on blogging and marketing for business, and leave the update calls to the Development Team. These calls can be most informative and for those that aren't familiar would offer a glimpse of what Rain Camps were like.
Zoom Call With Ben Kinney on Updates 8.24.2021