I had some weeds in my back yard and I was going to cut them down. I was going to cut them down because they looked ugly but I thought to myself, why not give these weeds a chance to prove themself to me and so, I did. I was certainly glad I did not cut them down because these are what the weeds look like. They are simply beautiful. In life, sometimes we do not give things the opportunity to prove themself to us and so we never know. Wow! Am I ever glad that I did not cut down the weeds because Bumble Bees and regular Bees and Yellow Jackets have really enjoyed the pollen from the Golden Rod that gets as tall as 10 to 12 feet tall? Bees and Mold Removal Charlotte
I have enjoyed taking numerous photos of the insects who have been feasting on the weeds and I am so glad I kept the weeds. Although, my Hay Fever and allergies have really been active and acting up so I had to go to the drug store and get some allergy relief. An Antihistamine. So, for the past week, I have had to take a pill to make my life more bearable and so I would not be sneezing every five minutes and having a nose that acts like it wants to run a marathon. Lol.
Did you know that Bees do not like Mold and if the moisture in the beehive gets elevated, Mold can grow? Did you know that bees use their wings for air circulation to fan away moisture from the beehive so mold is least likely to grow and that usually when there is mold in a beehive it means that there are just not enough bees to fan the beehive and to keep it aired out and the air circulated and mold can tend to grow? Did you know that if a beehive ever gets mold that you should not use bleach on it? Just remove the honeycombs and let them dry out and put air on them or put them out in the sun. Get the combs dried out and then put the combs back in the colony and the bees will clean things up. Do Not use bleach under any circumstances on the beehive unless you want to kill the bees. I learned this from a beekeeper. Remember if beehives get humid enough and there are not enough bees or the bees are not doing their job of fanning the combs, you could have and might just get Mold in the beehive and we do not want this.
If you have a wild beehive on your property, do not kill them. Call a professional in to take the bees as well as get the wild honey and combs and transport them to another location if you fear bees. Bees are precious and we do not need to harm or kill the bees. Bees are our friends but unless you are a professional, do not get too close to them and do not provoke them unless you want to take the chance of getting stung. Bees do not bother me but I certainly do not want to get stung. Wink.
My name is David Snell and I am very passionate about all things Water Damage and Mold Removal related.
For more information, please go to my web site and take a view or call me at:
David Snell
704-545-0098 landline
704-905-9152 cell phone with texting for faster service