The real estate market has been crazy for the last two years. As a property owner, Danbury area clients should be aware of their current market. Knowing the value of your home can allow sellers to plan for a number of things: upgrade, downsize, retire, cash out of their investment, arrange for a home equity loan or other reasons.
General pricing information as followed in Danbury,CT
Year to Date Average in Danbury all townhomes: $332,946
Year to Date Average excluding new construction: $299,548
Year to Date Average New Construction:$589,375
What are the prices in some of Danbury's condo neighborhoods
Sterling Woods:$336,000
Woodland Hills:$401,563
Timber Oaks:$422,497
Park Brook:$235,000
Park Ridge:$205,288
Lake Place:$398,263
Birchwood: $222,315
Data per smart mls ct 11/17/2021, 1/01/2021-11/17/2021, accurate but not guaranteed
If you do not see your neighborhood listed or want more in depth information about possibly moving or buying in one of these Danbury condo areas, please contact me. As your hometown expert, Jonathan Hall with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty has helped many clients over the years. Learn more about him or contact him to discuss your housing needs at 203-417-0523 or JonathanHallRealEstate@Gmail.Com
Page last updated 11/17/2021
How Much Are Danbury,CT Condos Selling For Now?
