My home inspections are increasing with the crunch on mainly because the intrest rates lower but the leaders are very tight with giving loans and I am inspecting homes for the same buyers 2 and 3 times on different properties the lenders have to give these people a break, they have to come up with longer loans so the populations can buy homes and get our country back on track.
Great post and welcome to AR happy Blogging! Our lenders are the same over here
Hey Tony - Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post. Be sure to spend some time looking around at what and how others are blogging here. It is a great education and lot s of fun. Looks like you're off to a great start...keep it up!
Welcome to the Active Rain community. You have chosen a great site with tons of information you can learn from.
Hello Tony,
Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post! The opportunities to learn and network are incredible here. Best of luck to ya!
Welcome to Active Rain! This is an awesome community for learning as well as sharing. I think I pick up something new every day! Watch out though - it's addictive!
I look forward to reading some of your future posts!
Hi, welcome to Active Rain! I hope to see more of your blogs in the future. Learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences and enjoy yourself! Take care! ---Kirk.
I just stopped by to welcome you to Active Rain. I hope that you find it a great benefit to your business and that you see the value that I have also found here. I am from Charlottesville Virginia and using Active Rain has really increased my business!
My main blog on Active Rain is here: Charlottesville Real Estate Blog, not the link at the bottom of this post.
I hope you will look into the many groups as there are some great group both local and broad based,....