
Preserving A Piece Of North Carolina Coastal History

Industry Observer

The old Long Beach Pier that stood on Oak Island, NC may be long gone but not forgotten. Once, the longest pier in the state of NC, it served many and I fished on it myself many times in my lifetime.


We are preserving a piece of this coastal NC history at Brunswick Landing in Holden Beach, NC. Over the last couple of years I came to know the man who took the pier down to make room for oceanfront condo's on Oak Island. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that project will materialize. However, I salvaged some of the pilings as he took them down because I had an idea.


My business partner in D & S Developers, Doug Weaver, and myself had an idea to use the pilings to build our entrance to our new subdivision. Our entrance monument would always carry a little special sentiment.


We stored away the pilings and with the design help of my wife Luanne, we started setting the pilings this week as we start to build the entrance to Brunswick Landing. We certainly wanted to maintain the coastal feel of our neighborhood and what better way than to install a small piece of NC Coastal History.

The picture below shows how we intend to use the pilings as we start to construct the entrance sign to Brunswick Landing.

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Here is a photo of how I am using these pilings now. We have designed what I consider and "eye popping" marketing sign that is really drawing attention from passers by. Since installing the pilings and the sign, the traffic in our subdivision has increased well over 100%.




Dick & Sandy Beals
Wilmington Real Estate 4U Wilmington, NC - Wilmington, NC

Hey Steve,

Nice Job!  I think tomorrow afternoon would be a nice time to take a drive down and take a look around....looks like the pricing is pretty fair.

Dick Beals

Jun 28, 2008 02:14 AM
xxx x
Albany, NY

Hi Dick. Thanks for the compliment. This particular home is under construction now and there is no one else offering what we are offering in Brunswick County. If I can be of any help, please contact me. 704-242-0500. 

Jun 28, 2008 02:36 AM