How long to sell a home in Laveen Meadows? November 2021
The answer to the question is that the length of time to sell a Laveen Meadows home in Laveen Az varies. Yet, we can look at some information which can give you a general idea, based on other homes in the Laveen area.
Information is gathered from the MLS (multiple listing service) on ALL properties that are currently on market, under contract or recently sold.
What is the average time on market for Laveen Meadows homes at this time?
14 days is the current average
27 plus days is the longest time on market
What is the average time on market for Laveen Meadows homes currently under contract?
23 days is current average for time to get home under contract
87 is current longest time for home
What is the average time on market for Laveen Meadows homes that have sold in the last 30 days?
12 days
20 was longest time
How much current inventory is available on market, and does it benefit buyer or seller?
3 months inventory
Quick Commentary – Properties in the Laveen Meadows community in Laveen Az are selling pretty quickly. With low level of inventory for buyers, it is a great time to sell in Laveen Meadows.
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