
API Scores for Santa Paula Elementary School District, Santa Paula, California

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Gold Coast REALTORS, Ventura County, California DRE# 00933005
Santa Paula Elementary, CA School District
Santa Paula Elementary School District

   2007 API score Statewide ranking Similar school ranking 2008 target score
Santa Paula Elementary 715 - - -
Bedell Elem. 792 7 7 797
Blanchard Elem. 701 2 2 706
Glen City Elem. 744 4 9 749
Mckevett Elem. 772 6 10 777
Thille Elem. 754 5 10 759
Webster Elem. 675 2 7 681
Isbell Middle 689 4 7 695

Visit for API Rankings of all Ventura County, CA schools.

The Academic Performance Index rates California's public schools and sets targets for the schools to achieve. 
What the categories mean:
API scores: The state uses the Academic Performance Index to rank schools based on test scores. The rankings are based on student's scores on state standard tests, the California Achievement Test and the California High School Exit Exam. The API is graded on a scale of 200 to 1,000, with 800 being the statewide target.
Statewide ranking: This ranking rates schools across the state on a scale of 1 to 10. A school with a 10 falls in the top 10 percent of every school in the state. A school with a 1 is in the bottom 10 percent. Alternative high schools are not ranked.
Similar-school ranking: In this ranking, schools are rated on how well they do compared with 100 similar schools, based on such criteria as ethnicity, socioeconomic status and percentage of students who don't speak English as their first language. Like the statewide ranking, the scale is 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest.
2008 API Target: This is the minimum score schools need to reach in this year's testing. Schools that are already at 800 or above, the state's goal, don't receive a target, but must stay in the 800 range. Schools will learn in August whether they reached their targets, based ontests students recently took.

Courtesy of:
Joe Virnig, Broker Associate
Ventura, California

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